Quicklaunch module. Thread last updated on 2006-08-30 14:50:24

Posted by member 136926 on 2006-08-30 08:52:15

Right now I got quicklaunch when I rightclick on my "start" button. But I want a quicklaunch bar at the top of the screen instead. Kinda like in OS X. Or as in this theme.

But the thing is that I got alot of folders in my quicklaunch folder. Like, one folder for games etc etc. And I want folders to open on a new "row". Like if I have it like this.
I = icon
F = folder
And I hold the mouse over F, I want it to look like this.
Where the "II" is the new folder.

Anyone know what module I can use for that?

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-08-30 10:31:53 link

mmmm xPopup?

!PopupDynamicFolder "$QuickLaunch$"

??? thats about the easiest way...

You could try some wack stuff with scandir xlabel and xpopup, I guess... but why if its so easy with xPopup?

Posted by member 136926 on 2006-08-30 14:50:24 link

Hmm, that might work. I'll see when I'm there. :p