litestep.exe 2% processor usage Thread last updated on 2006-08-28 13:29:05

Posted by member 341296 on 2006-08-28 13:16:19

I am diggin on litestep as a new user, however I noticed in my task manager on my XP machine that litestep was using 2%. I thought that was no big deal. Then I looked at my network graph and something was sending and recieving. I unplugged my machine from my network and obviously that stopped the sending and recieving, but strangely now litestep stopped using 2% of my processor. Any ideas on what litestep is doing on my network?

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-08-28 13:28:25 link

Depends on the theme. It could be accessing RSS feeds, checking for weather info, etc.

Posted by member 341296 on 2006-08-28 13:29:05 link

Sorry I even posted. I recently gave my wireless router to a friend and had not hooked back up to my wired router. That left my machine direct to my modem. Now that I am back behind a router the network graph is quiet again. Litestep is bad to the bone.