Sorry, not exactly sure where to post this... I am using the _underscore_ theme and I want to move the systray from the upper right hand corner of the screen to the top middle, so it doesn't covery my minimize button any more. What, and how, would I edit to do that? I have looked through the theme.rc file and such, but can't find a "systray xposition" var or anything. I'm quite new to litestep, just got it about a week ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Somewhere in the config of the theme, whether it be in the theme.rc or other included config file, you will find a (Sys/V/X)trayX setting. Keep'll find it.
I'm thinking it might be in the systray.rc config file (duh) but I can't open or edt it. It just pops up an error message that is the location of the file. >_> I can edit the theme.rc file, but nothing in the underscore->config folder. I tried using a different theme and then editing, too. It doesn't work even with themes that are not being used currently... am I doing something massively stupid/horribly wrong? because it wouldn't surprise me. :P
You probably did something stupid like getting .rc files associated with LiteStep instead of a text editor. To find out open up Notepad and see if you can edit the file from there. If so unassociate .rc files from LS and put them back to your favorite text editor.
Aha! Thanks a lot. Notepad opens it fine... I just can't open directly from the file for some reason... oh well. :)
Right click, Open with, check "Always use the selected etc...", pick your text editor, click OK.
xcal :: Isn't that what I said?