looking for popup module recommendation Thread last updated on 2006-08-16 18:09:29

Posted by member 314318 on 2006-08-14 00:44:38

I'm looking for a popup module recommendation, so far I've been using popup2.dll and xpopup, but neither does quite what I want it to. Here are the problems I've had so far:

Popup2 - almost perfect, except that I want to be able to add a graphic border to the sides of the popup menu that's independent of the entrys.

xPopup 1.3.1 - Doesn't do smooth scrolling (though that's not crucial), also when I run a full screen application like Doom 3 or Halo, then it loses its alwaysontop status in relation to all my other modules and always stays on the bottom when I bring it up unless I recycle. Although interestingly submenus DO work correctly, just not the initial popup.

Anyone have any fixes or popup module suggestions that fix either of these problems?

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-08-14 16:21:29 link

post a bug report at ls-u to get xpopup fixed up how you like it.

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-08-14 16:24:21 link

...perhaps I should add that there are no real alternatives to xpopup and popup2. There's a module called "menu" I believe but I'm not sure if that is really a popup replacement. Maybe someone who has actually used could give you more info.

Posted by member 314318 on 2006-08-15 12:13:29 link

Well, I'm not optimistic about changing the code, I mean this is 1.3.1, I imagine the author is aware of this by now. As for menu, I took a look at the readme's that went along with it and I couldn't see much of a difference than popup2.dll. Since all I want to do is add side graphics with popup2, would there be a way to link that directly to a label, so that the graphic is drawn in relation to the position and size of the popup?

Edit: Well I think I found a workaround for the always on top thing, in xpopup I took out icons and added the !PopupRescan bang to my hotkey for hiding/reshowing all the graphics and that seems to take care of it. As for the scrolling thing I can probably figure out some method that doesn't feel awkward.

Posted by member 280260 on 2006-08-16 00:12:34 link

Make double columns so it doesn't have to scroll at all.

Posted by member 32550 on 2006-08-16 08:46:27 link

You can also use the builtin "PartSwitcher" of xPopup.
xPopupMultiPartScrollDelay INT
If you hover over the TopBorder or BottomBorder of a MultiPart PopupMenu the different parts "scroll" (better said switch) after the specified Delay. Default Delay is 2000ms.

Posted by member 314318 on 2006-08-16 18:09:29 link

ls-universe: I actually have that exact same line already in my step.rc and it doesn't seem to do anything, no matter how long I let it hover. Is there something else I'm not doing right?


My bad, I was using 1.2.5 (which doesn't support that) because 1.3.1 was crashing Litestep after about 10-20 minutes. I'll give 1.3 a shot though.

jqubit: I might do that, I'll research how to do it.