litestep>modules>rainmeter-0.12>webparser.dll Thread last updated on 2006-06-23 11:42:57

Posted by member 332332 on 2006-06-22 16:58:10

ill try to paint you a picture of my exact error message
_______________________________________________________ litestep>modules>rainmeter-0.12>webparser.dll |-||O||X||
Cannot locate module. Please check your |
configuration. |

ok yeah, thats supposed to be a window ^^;; heh... any way
im assuming that its looking for the rainmeter module seeing as how its in the title bar... but what i dont understand is..

1) If there is a missing module, why hasnt NLM said anything about it? (btw it did say something at frst but it downloaded it sucessfully)

2) What does Webparser.dll do and why is it involved?

Posted by member 321598 on 2006-06-22 19:28:53 link

Just a guess:

Look for a line something like

*NetLoadModule load Rainmeter.dll

if you find something like that, but it doesn't say load Rainmeter.dll, then that might be your problem.

xxx - is the version number

Posted by member 332332 on 2006-06-23 09:44:46 link

i added load "rainmeter.dll" right after it and it didnt help... i still dont understand what webparser has to do with this...

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-06-23 11:42:57 link

Webparser is a plug-in for rainmeter, IIRC. Look in the rainmeter docs and check your configuration to see if you have specified the correct plugins path.