I'm playing with taskbar3 atm, but it doesn't seem to support 'magic pink' transparancy.
Any magic pink in the bitmaps I give it just shows up as windows grey...
Anyone know of a taskbar that does support transparancy?
tasks.dll - All versions I know does for sure. You may want to check the taskbar3 documentation to see if you need something set for Transparency to work.
cool, I've swapped to tasks.dll
was only using taskbar3 becuase it blinked my scroll-lock LED when I got instant messages, but lots of other things seemed to set it off also, which was irritating :/
you can make tasks dew some kewl schtuff too
yeah, it seems better suited to the theme I'm bodging together.
having true transparency issues though... also having true transparency probs with label.dll
/me re-reads the docs again
Label.dll only have "fake" transparency. Then, I don't recommend the use of OnTop Labels containing transparency regions...
*cough* per pixel alpha transparency!! *cough*
Magic pink is the devil! ;)
I recently spoke to xnowfall about layercut's transparency and requested other modules with that feature. He mentioned that he may be working on Label.dll. /me crosses his fingers.
taskbar3.dll *does* support magic pink.
what you can't do though, is have magic pink in the background. actually, why you're seeing grey is beyond me, maybe you were using a background with pink and task tiles with pink too?