Taskbars and transparancy Thread last updated on 2003-03-31 22:02:42

Posted by member 18463 on 2003-03-28 19:49:20

I'm playing with taskbar3 atm, but it doesn't seem to support 'magic pink' transparancy.
Any magic pink in the bitmaps I give it just shows up as windows grey...
Anyone know of a taskbar that does support transparancy?

Posted by member 1 on 2003-03-28 20:44:01 link

tasks.dll - All versions I know does for sure. You may want to check the taskbar3 documentation to see if you need something set for Transparency to work.

Posted by member 18463 on 2003-03-29 00:22:11 link

cool, I've swapped to tasks.dll
was only using taskbar3 becuase it blinked my scroll-lock LED when I got instant messages, but lots of other things seemed to set it off also, which was irritating :/

Posted by member 1 on 2003-03-29 00:34:02 link

you can make tasks dew some kewl schtuff too

Posted by member 18463 on 2003-03-29 01:50:14 link

yeah, it seems better suited to the theme I'm bodging together.
having true transparency issues though... also having true transparency probs with label.dll
/me re-reads the docs again

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-29 04:15:16 link

Label.dll only have "fake" transparency. Then, I don't recommend the use of OnTop Labels containing transparency regions...

Posted by member 1413 on 2003-03-31 13:05:56 link

*cough* per pixel alpha transparency!! *cough*
Magic pink is the devil! ;)

I recently spoke to xnowfall about layercut's transparency and requested other modules with that feature. He mentioned that he may be working on Label.dll. /me crosses his fingers.

Posted by member 182 on 2003-03-31 22:02:42 link

taskbar3.dll *does* support magic pink.
what you can't do though, is have magic pink in the background. actually, why you're seeing grey is beyond me, maybe you were using a background with pink and task tiles with pink too?