To the brilliant developers and the gifted artists... Thread last updated on 2006-05-24 14:56:52

Posted by member 326697 on 2006-05-21 20:52:37

A great big THANK YOU to all those involved in the development, and design of LiteStep. I've only just installed it last night, and i'm really diggin' it. I've tried Window Blinds before-- actually was on a big WB kick for a few months, tried to get my friends into it, etc. Then suddenly, i realized it wasn't that cool and i kinda got sick of it and went back to plain ol' classic xp. but this--- THIS is something different. This is cool. It's something that goes beyond kids who know how to use their 3D Graphic Design software really well. This looks like community, involvement, dedication, painstaking hours, and blood, sweat, and tears!

I look forward to getting to know it better. right now, i've got the default-est of the defaults (i think)-- whatever comes w/ the Win32 installer. the "basic" theme? i'm having a bit of a time figuring out some stuff (like why the right click on the globe icon doesn't launch XnView or IrfanView, but MyComputer (i assume that's what it's supposed to do?..), but in all, it's great. ha! and to think there was a time when (some of us) we actually used something called... Windows 3.1 was it? hee hee...

Thanks again!
Web Dev

Posted by member 326697 on 2006-05-21 20:55:24 link

awww man! and just when i was starting to get my act together, and spend more time actually working, i have to go and find this!

Posted by member 31 on 2006-05-22 10:09:54 link

The modules? Then check out this. ;)

Posted by member 326697 on 2006-05-23 10:33:14 link

dang! that's a lot of stuff! time-suckkage indeed.

hey-- i've found some of my likes and dislikes (yeah, sorry there are a couple dis's). the dislike that i have really is the themes-- from what i've downloaded, i didn't like any of them more than the really basic one that came w/ the installer-- is there a contest to see who can make smaller buttons or something? in my opinion, the Austerity theme is laid out intuitively-- it makes sense, and i don't have to think about what's what-- which i kinda got the impression that part of the whole sense of LS is to take focus from the selection of the application-- and place it more on the 'application' itself (i.e. the proposed tasks; reason the app is launched). i mean- you've got "text editor"-- i can't sit here and think, okay-- which one do i want to use for this .ini file, this .php file, etc.-- you've just got the editor-- which is really cool. so-- does anyone know of more themes which have a focus on the intuitive nature of Litestep? is there an updated version of Austerity, or something Austerity-esque? don't get me wrong-- the other themes are very well done... i guess i'm just being old-fashioned-- and i don't feel a need for 99.9% of my desktop to be visible-- but that's just me... i'm sure there's an equally good argument for the contrary-- otherwise it wouldn't be the prevailing style.

EDIT: i went back and check'd what i've installed-- i knew there was one that i kinda liked-- it's called "Saphardana". that's more up my alley... maybe i just need to 'get used to it'... but, i'm still open for any suggestions. ;)

Posted by member 93947 on 2006-05-23 15:09:18 link

i think you might like "Ghost" and "obsidian". Dunno if you can find them here, else look at my site (sig).

Posted by member 1 on 2006-05-23 15:38:00 link

Of course he could find them here? Why wouldn't he be able to? And looking through your themes I don't even see Ghost.

Posted by member 326697 on 2006-05-24 00:10:35 link

i did d/l ghost, and like it alot-- my only problem there being the font-size in the menus, so if i can fix that, and i d/l another i REALLY like-- it's ASfx-21evo, and i dig agua_beta2 as well (but i don't think it's working as intended.. a dll thing)-- furthermore, my comment above was really premature. and i think i owe an apology to everyone, particularly anyone who may have been offended by that-- when i re-read my remark, i sound like a real a$$ (the contest for small buttons was supposed to be light-hearted sarcasm-- ended up reading like uncool-- obviously a guy who just commended the design work isn't going to turn around and say it sucks. i'd like to clarify that's not what i meant at all. it's more like: i'm a newb at this, so i'm frustrated easily-- and not knowing any of the stuff, maybe you can understand where i was coming from there. one of the more minimalist themes "innerpeace" had my interest for a while today. i really like the multiple desktops thing-- so awesome, and if i got it right, 'innerpeace' has a cool take on the feature by the names = moods = desktops?

so, this ASfx21 evo, which by the way is a perfect example of what i was trying to say yesterday, but ended up w/ a case of foot-in-mouth disease!, (or the aqua or ghost or saphardana -- a bit more traditional in terms of at least i can figure it out in a few seconds-- vs the nothing-like-traditional having to click everything at least once to get it all. know what i mean? -- it gives me 2 or 3 complaints about dll's at the start, but she does run. is this a symptom of needing to update the build? i used the installer. if somethign "goes wrong", what might i expect where i would notice it's a malfunction?

okay-- this is getting way to lengthy, but real quick-- if anyone is still listening to this ramble-- could you tell me a bit about bangs, and the LSX text area thing? what do YOU use them for?

okay. that's enough out of me.


Posted by member 1 on 2006-05-24 03:40:02 link

To fix the font in ghost...install the font. :)

As for !Bang Commands go to and read up.

Posted by member 326697 on 2006-05-24 09:08:27 link

rock n roll-- thanks, devilboi! lots to learn here... is there any one recommended 'manual' or some documentation which would be considered an 'overview' of what can and should be done w/ Litestep? ... wait... i see that's what you gave me-- awesome. i was looking for something like this.

Posted by member 93947 on 2006-05-24 12:15:30 link

some info is there too:

Posted by member 1 on 2006-05-24 14:56:52 link

yeah...we wrote those docs a long time ago though so some of it can be taken with a grain of salt. I'd stick to the wiki for the most part.