The Whole Package Thread last updated on 2006-05-21 19:32:21

Posted by member 326521 on 2006-05-21 18:52:38

Well I'm only a few hours into messing with LS and I love it. The customization is just incredible. However there are things (which arn't really all LS) that I want to mess with.

So out I go to mess with WindowsBlinds and find something to change my boot-up and shut-down screens my login screen etc.

And I wonder: Does anyone do themes that have "everything"? Now I'm sure you couldn't have literally all of it because we all use different apps and it'd be a waste to do a skin for every single web browser, but the basics anyway?

Posted by member 1 on 2006-05-21 19:32:21 link

There are theme suites that people have built. However, rarely they come all together. Sometimes in the theme readme you will find links to the rest of the suite though. Otherwise you have to hunt the net for them.