desktop functionality Thread last updated on 2006-04-22 12:26:17

Posted by member 320276 on 2006-04-21 19:26:21

i'm new to litestep but very impressed. Started with austerity using omar's installer, and have installed a couple more to get a feel for using litestep.

First thing i want to customize is the desktop functionality, especially drag&drop to and from the desktop, and moving icons around by dragging them. It surprises me that i have to do this as it seems to me that such basic functionality would have been already addressed, so i think maybe my lack of expperience is preventing me from seeing the obvious, hence my question

(currently using jDesk with austerity and nonstep, winxp)

I found the jDeskDesktopFolder command for the jDesk module which says I can enable drag&drop to the desktop. Does this also allow drag&drop from to the desktop to folder window? Does it support copy, move, shortcut? Do other modules?

Secondly, i can't find a command that allow desktop icons to dragged around and moved, seems really basic functionality, am i missing something?

While reading about desktop modules, i came across mention of a module called Clickonics that seemed interesting, is there any way to know the capabilities of a module without using (eg documentation)? also any advice on how to tell a mature module from earlier-in-the-lifecycle module?


Posted by member 1 on 2006-04-21 19:50:50 link

The reason why it is not included as the functionality wasn't written yet. You need to replace icondesk with xdesktop in your config and you will get what you want.

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-04-22 12:26:17 link

or even better the latest version of clickonic ;)