Make it simple Thread last updated on 2006-04-11 06:15:41

Posted by member 318703 on 2006-04-10 19:06:46


I just registered here. I'll explain what I want:

I don't want to spend hours of programming my desktop.
I don't want my system to crash, I depend on it being reliable.
I want my desktop/user interface to look cool, not the traditional Windows XP look.

Basically, I just want to download different visual styles and use them.

Is this possible with Lifestep or is there another program put there that be more right for me?


Posted by member 1949 on 2006-04-10 20:45:09 link

just use windowblinds or visual styles then...

Posted by member 148416 on 2006-04-11 06:15:41 link

Lifestep, heh.

This is not THAT grand of a decision to be making! :O

Litestep's a little more user-driven as opposed to user-used. You get out of it what you put in.

You don't have to "program" anything, but it'll be a lot more satisfying if you do customize it a bit.

Windowblinds is what you want, as Immortal said ;)