Traytasks Background Image Thread last updated on 2006-03-13 18:52:35

Posted by member 27809 on 2006-03-13 08:47:02

I'm trying to make it so theres an icon between the taskbar and systray. However, it doesn't display the image at all, its as if I never added the 3 new seperation commands at the bottom.

TasksHeight 18
TaskszOrder "ontop"
TasksTransparency "real"

TrayTasksSeperate true
TrayTasksSepIcon dark_seperator.ico
TrayTasksSepCount 3

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-03-13 18:52:35 link

Separate is spelled, erm, well, "Separate". The module isn't going to obey settings that aren't spelled right, ya know? =P

Now... if that's just a typo here, and it's spelled correctly in your config files - *then* we have a problem to work on. =)