Shortcuts... Im learning.. Thread last updated on 2003-01-31 17:54:51

Posted by member 2045 on 2003-01-30 22:00:35

Still having problems though, Im trying to put a shortcut on my desktop to a specific notepad file. Is that possible what I have in my step.rc is as follows:

Stuff 2 0 0 .extract="C:\WINNT\Notepad.exe",1 #2 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Stuff 2.txt

I read thru some posts and so I took out the brackets since it didnt work with them, I also dropped the excess stuff I wasn't putting in their, still dont get why it wont work though. I also dont understand how litestep knows what part of that line is controlling what... Meaning if I leave out some stuff how does it know that I left it out, why doesn't it get confused by the next command thinking that its supposed to be the previous? (Hope that makes sense)

Posted by member 1 on 2003-01-30 23:01:30 link

A valid Shortcut would be as follows...make sure it is on one line in your step.rc.

*shortcut "Stuff" 0 0 .extract="C:\winnt\notepad.exe,1" .none .none #2 "C:\winnt\notepad.exe c:\documents and Settings\Administrator\Deskop\Stuff2.txt"

And yes...the slashes got stripped out and I will have to have that fixed as a bug. Some things you can ommit and others you can not. The most important you ommited was to be replaced by .none. That should work though, but I am trying to do it blind.

Posted by member 2045 on 2003-01-30 23:11:30 link

I had that and it gave me an Icon in the top left corner, and thats it. Couldn't click it or anything, so I switched the coords to 0 -32 and 0 -1 and a buncha diff stuff. Then nothing shows up on screen at all again. If it helps any Im using the simplicity theme...

Posted by member 1 on 2003-01-30 23:25:59 link

you have to understand where to expect those icons when you make those changes. from what you posted above you didn't have what I were missing two very important .none directives which would have made your icon not clickable. you also left out quotes around "Stuff 2" which would have broken it further. Also...and probably most importantly...the configuration line I gave you is for shortcut2.dll. If you use any other shortcut module my configuration line will not work.

Posted by member 265 on 2003-01-31 13:53:34 link

Does this work for you DeViLbOi? I tried the following as a test:
*Shortcut "" 10 10 .extract="C:\Windows\notepad.exe",1 .none .none #0 !about

And it produced an unclickable notepad icon on the desktop... odd.

I slightly changed the command you gave DeViLbOi, to:
*shortcut "Stuff" 30 30 .extract="C:\Windows\notepad.exe,1" .none .none #0 !about

and i didn't even get an icon on the desktop, so it seems the ',1' does have to be outside the quotes.

Posted by member 265 on 2003-01-31 14:05:09 link

this is quite lame, but for now you can do this:

- download NOTEPAD.bmp

- put it in simplicity\images\blue (i hope you were using blue :P)

- now you can use the following shortcut line:
*Shortcut "" 10 10 NOTEPAD.bmp .none .none #0 "D:\LiteStep\LSTS_NOTICE.txt"

'10 10' are the x, y coordinates - 0, 0 is the upper left corner of your screen. the "D:\LiteStep\LSTS_NOTICE.txt" bit is the full path to your text file. the quotes are in case there are any spaces.

i don't like this solution, but it works. :|

Posted by member 2045 on 2003-01-31 16:49:02 link

Yah this sucks, I can't add items to desktop using any theme now. Dunno what to do?

Posted by member 700 on 2003-01-31 17:54:51 link

Make sure you have the following things going correctly...
LoadModule $ModulesDir$shortcut2.dll (should be pointed at your modules folder and you should have a shortcut(somethignoranother).dll in the folder. Next, you Have to make sure that your *Shortcut is done right.. Like this...
*Shortcut "Name Of Shortcut" 100 100 pic.bmp "C:\Path\To\The\File.end"

That stuff is the MINIMAL needed to make a shortcut work right. At this point, if it doesn't work... go to and read Everything there, it is prettymuch all the info you need to get litestep up and running to a good extent.

Hope that helps.