Vertical Taskbar Thread last updated on 2006-02-10 13:42:34

Posted by member 265619 on 2006-02-09 19:56:07

I've been messing with a theme that has a horizontal taskbar. I've change it so that it is now Vertical, but, the windows in the taskbar are extremely narrow, and very long. They do not fill up the entire taskbar.

Here is the code for the taskbar:


if EnableTaskbar = true
xTaskbarX 0
xTaskbarY 0
xTaskbarWidth 100
xTaskbarHeight 1024

xTaskbarLines 10
xTaskbarLayout ".vertical"
xTaskbarButtonMaxWidth 100
xTaskbarButtonDirection .bottom

xTaskbarRightBorder 0

xTaskbarImage taskbar_background.png
xTaskbarActiveButtonImage taskbar_active.png
xTaskbarNormalButtonImage taskbar_normal.png
xTaskbarFlashingButtonImage taskbar_flashing.png
xTaskbarHoverButtonImage taskbar_hover.png

xTaskbarFlashingButtonImageLeftEdge 3
xTaskbarFlashingButtonImageRightEdge 3
xTaskbarFlashingButtonImageTopEdge 0
xTaskbarFlashingButtonImageBottomEdge 0

xTaskbarFont "Swis721 Cn BT D-Type"
xTaskbarFontHeight 10
xTaskbarFontColor 96979B
xTaskbarActiveFontColor 96979B
xTaskbarFontAlign center
xTaskbarFontLeftBorder 3
xTaskbarFontRightBorder 3
xTaskbarFontTopBorder 3
xTaskbarAlphaTransparency 200
xTaskbarShowIcon False

xTaskbarAlwaysOnTop False

xTaskbarCustomAlphaFade 20 3

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-09 20:43:30 link

wait.. so what is the result you want? As I understand the layout option, it's just which way the tasks get's added.. horizontal is added from top/bottom, wraped right left

Posted by member 148416 on 2006-02-10 10:51:54 link

Is the problem that you didn't change the 'shape' of the task-buttons? So you had wide taskbuttons on a horizontal taskbar (which is fine) and now you have wide taskbuttons on a vertical taskbar (which is not fine)?

Is that the issue?
xTaskbarLines 10
xTaskbarLayout ".vertical"
xTaskbarButtonMaxWidth 100
xTaskbarButtonDirection .bottom

I think that the xTaskbarLines entry isn't necessary when you've switched the layout to ".vertical" but I could be wrong.

Anyways, I'm not 100% certain what the problem is :\

Posted by member 293778 on 2006-02-10 11:21:13 link

How wide do you want the taskbar buttons to be? Actual width?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-10 13:42:34 link

He's already solved the issue in a different forum...would be nice if he mentioned that here. :P