How to: multiple users XP Thread last updated on 2006-02-07 00:48:57

Posted by member 304007 on 2006-02-05 13:46:52

So I just installed litestep on my laptop and my desktop. Both installs went smoothly. The issues I am having now is one Ive spent the last hour searching for a solution for. On my Desktop I have three users: kids, wife, and me. My install was first and the transition was smooth. My kids are to young right now to grasp the right click menu so they are going to stay explorer. My wife however expressed intrest in using litestep. The issue now is that I have switched her over and have austerity installed and running. I then had her download another theme and install it, no problems. but now every other theme she tries to install kicks back an error that it cannot install. It somehow tries to install the theme to MY folder (I choose the multiple user option for folder placement) and she does not have rights to the folder so of course it fails. The question is why did it succeed once, and now fails? Sorry for the long post, but hoped to aleviate any extra questions that may be asked.

Posted by member 31 on 2006-02-05 14:32:48 link

look at ./litestep/utilities/LSThemeInstaller.log it might have some info as to what is going on.

Also in the registry, HKCU/Software/Litestep/Installer/ and HKCU/Software/Litestep/Theme Installer/ to see if things look correct.

Posted by member 1 on 2006-02-05 14:58:48 link

Did you have the first theme installed also?

Posted by member 304007 on 2006-02-05 15:05:48 link

Going to look at the logs and the reg keys, but as to the Dev, I do have the first theme installed on my account as well, but i did a second theme for her that I do not have that did work. Ill check thoses logs now and let you know jugg

Posted by member 1 on 2006-02-05 16:07:45 link

sounds like it might even be a perms issue with the LS folder. Does she have write access to the LS folder?

Posted by member 304007 on 2006-02-05 16:45:07 link

Alright, it looks like the permisions fix worked, thanks! For a new user on these forums I appreciate the quick responses, it just makes me want to tell more people about this great product!

Posted by member 1 on 2006-02-06 01:53:50 link

When you tell them to come tell them not to ask dumb questions or they will be veeery unhappy with you. :)

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-06 18:42:38 link

lol yeah, people used to say "there are no dumb questions" but there's a limit to that statement

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-02-07 00:48:57 link

It's true - there *are* no dumb questions. Just extremely stupid people.