Icon? Thread last updated on 2006-02-09 08:20:12

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-01 08:04:05

Does anyone know where I can find a nice pack of icons to use for something like shortcut3-2.0.1.dll?

If not, then can anyone suggest a good icon creater?

If not, then can anyone tell me a good mod that can create a button on the desktop that is always on top, that can handle pre defined background?

Posted by member 12025 on 2006-02-01 11:54:59 link

1. Icons: um, deviantart and customize.org?
2. ...
3. xLabel.

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-02-01 11:57:05 link

This place has a huge amount of cool icons.

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-01 18:05:01 link

no I mean .ico files, not picture files.

It's either that I don't know how to use kde files or we are thinking of different 'icons'...

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-02-01 18:29:30 link

icon = an icon image
.ico = the Windows file format for icon images

If you want to use the icons available on kde-look.org you'll have to convert them to .ico yourself. Which isn't that hard; get this app and just drag & drop the images you want into the program, and then save as .ico.

Edit: if the images are in PNG format, that is.

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-05 16:31:14 link

Thanks so much.. but i was wondering if there is a way to extract icons your self from .exe or .dll. I know you can do that by xlabel extractimage function, but it looks horrible because for some reason, i can't limit the icon extract size, and it get's streached out.

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-05 17:07:53 link

xLabel has ExtractIconSize. Look under Image Configuration.

As for a utility to extract icons, google it. There are lots.

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-05 17:13:14 link

well... what i mean by "i can't limit the icon extract size, and it get's streached out." i mean the string doesnt work.. i put in:

ImageMode("stretch", "tile", "tile-horizontal", or "tile-vertical")


ExtractIconSize (number)

but no luck.. here is my code exactly:
TrillianX 0
TrillianY 964
TrillianWidth 20
TrillianHeight 20
TrillianAlwaysOnTop true
TrillianAlphaTransparency 200
TrillianAlphaFade 5 0
TrillianExtractIconSize 16
TrillianImageMode tile
TrillianImage "C:\Program Files\Trillian\trillian.exe"
TrillianOnLeftClick "C:\LiteStep\Batch\trillian_.exe"

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-05 18:21:24 link

ok, i found a great program to extract .ico from .exe and .dll. now all i have to do is to put those icon into my theme nicely. unfortunatly, it's not working out..


Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-05 21:05:10 link

You want to be using an OverlayLabel. Here's an example with Trillian:

*Label TheLabel
TheLabelX 50
TheLabelY 50
TheLabelWidth 20
TheLabelHeight 20
TheLabelSolidColors A6A6A6 EEEEEE 000000
TheLabelSolidBevelSize 1
TheLabelOnLeftClick "$IM$"

*TheLabelOverlayLabel 2 2 16 16 OverlayName #a
OverlayNameImage "$IM$"
OverlayNameExtractIconSize 16

You can copy/paste that and it should work just fine for you (using xlabel 3.4.9), so you can see what it does. From there, you'll want to RTFM, "OverlayLabel Configuration" section, to get a better understanding of what's going on.

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-06 18:12:08 link

yay, it worked perfectly, thanks so much guys

here is my finished product, what do you guys think? http://www.ryuhokudo.com/desk.jpg

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-06 20:35:26 link

That's a pretty fat looking bar, but looks good.

(btw, above, I should have mentioned you should use "$IM$" instead of a direct path to trillian - changed to reflect that.)

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-06 22:33:15 link

hmm.. maybe i should make it 40pix thick instead of 60.. i really would if xLabel's [cpu] function worked on my computer... that way i can get rid of rainmeter and have plenty of space...

the [cpu] string just gives me -1% as result.. maybe i dont really need a cpu read out..

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-02-07 00:59:34 link

Just get rid of the disk space info and keep rainmeter. Cheap as disk space is these days, who really cares? You can always just look in "My Computer" if you think it's time to slap another 100 Gig on there. =P

Posted by member 206411 on 2006-02-07 01:04:05 link

i dont really wanna buy any HD right this moment, and im too lazy to burn anything on to DVD, and i am mass downloading stuff on bit torrent, so i need the disk space info more than cpu really...

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-02-07 05:44:38 link

Mass downloading, eh? Well considering how long it takes to d/ls stuff with bittorrent, hard drives will be even cheaper when your downloads are finally finished :D

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-07 15:11:42 link

arrrrrrrg matey

Posted by member 280260 on 2006-02-07 23:29:49 link

I agree with xcal (?)

Posted by member 148416 on 2006-02-08 07:42:24 link

Bittorrent speeds really all depends on where you are downloading from.

Saying bittorrent is slow is like saying firefox is slow :P

Now, eMule on the other hand, is slow as molasses(sp?)...

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-02-08 09:28:42 link

Yeah, well, I guess it depends on what you define as "fast" and "slow" too. I've never seen a torrent download go faster than... say 60kB/s or so. In most cases it's only half of that. And that, IMO, isn't fast.

Posted by member 148416 on 2006-02-09 08:20:12 link

But West there are at least a dozen clients, and hundreds of communities. So downloading a random album off mininova with azureus might be fast, downloading a rare movie off KaraGarga with the mainline client might be really slow, and downloading the latest blockbuster off demonoid with uTorrent might (and probably will) eat up 100% of your bandwidth (if you let it).


Fast on BT: up to and including 100% of your bandwidth.
Fast on eMule: 30Kb/s

Slow on BT: 30Kb/s
Slow on eMule: ... 0Kb/s? Even that is semi-normal :\

BTW-sorry for being so off-topic...