Creating a popup in non|step... how? Thread last updated on 2006-01-24 21:57:44

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 19:12:51

This is continuing the thread from

I am trying to create a button in my taskbar that launches a popup menu. Currently, I have the line

PopupDynamicFolder "C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200
in non|step's bottom bar config below where I set up the button, but when I click on the button, nothing happens. Do I have the line in the right place, or is there something else I'm doing wrong?

P.S. I apologize for "hijacking" the previous thread. I had read other threads while searching for an solution to my problem and seen that people get reprimanded for starting new threads about topics already covered.

Posted by member 1 on 2006-01-20 20:46:24 link

Try !PopupDynamicFolder instead of PopupDynamicFolder...there is a difference. You should also read the docs for Popups. LINK

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 21:05:03 link

My line already has the bang. And I already read the docs, but although I understood the syntax of the different commands and such, I didn't entirely understand the structure of the popup code. Any help, please?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-20 21:54:11 link

SomeLabelOnLeftClick !PopupDynamicFolder "C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 21:56:01 link

That still doesn't work. What am I missing?

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-01-20 22:43:53 link


Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-20 23:25:58 link

It's compatible with xPopup and Popup2. (Although, I think they use a slightly different format for the coords part.)

swmmng: no clue what you're missing. It works perfectly fine for me.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 23:26:03 link

Since non|step loads popup2-2.1.7, shouldn't I be using the commands associated with that? Namely what I've been doing? Or should I load xPopup and use that instead?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-20 23:30:07 link

Stick with popup2. Conquer one thing at a time. :P The command works for both, though.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 23:31:03 link

That's what I thought. I havne't loaded xPopup, so I don't think there's any compatability issue. Besides setting up the button and the popup menu, is there anything else I need to do?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-20 23:33:31 link

Does that theme have a command? If it does, just try putting...
!PopupDynamicFolder "C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200 it and see if it works. If it does (and it should), you'll know the problem is your button.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 23:34:18 link

How would I activate that popup? I.e. with a mouse click, hotkey(s), combination of those?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-20 23:39:18 link

Click the "cmd" button, and copy/paste the command in to the prompt that appears to the right. Then press enter while the command is focused, with that entered in to it.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-20 23:45:54 link

Alright, so it seems like the problem's with my button (thanks for helping me get that far!), but I can't for the life of me figure out what! I used the same format as the "lsButton" from the non|step theme, since I think it does basically what I want my button to do, just with a different popup. Here's the code for my button:

*Label gameButton
;Label Main Settings
gameButtonAddToGroup "TaskBar"
gameButtonX "-235"
gameButtonY "-22"
gameButtonWidth "31"
gameButtonHeight "21"
gameButtonImage "gameButton.png"
gameButtonHoverImage "gameButton2.png"
gameButtonOnLeftClickDown !PopupDynamicFolder:
"C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-01-21 03:33:50 link

gameButtonOnLeftClickDown !PopupDynamicFolder:
"C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200

whats with the ":" ???

should be:
gameButtonOnLeftClickDown !PopupDynamicFolder "C:\LiteStep\personal\Games shortcuts" -355 -200

!PopupDynamicFolder: is a completely different non-existant thing, you might aswell have typed in !PopupSatanicFolder :P

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-21 04:51:20 link

Ya, swmmng, you'll want to note that I never had a ":" in my examples. The existing popup !bangs, that I know of, with ":" in their command, are used within a *Popup type entry. The !PopupDynamicFolder command, WITHOUT the ":", is for use with a button or something, because it can be called outside of *Popup entries (although they can be used inside them, too.)

!PopupSatanicFolder? hehe

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-21 08:05:46 link

Well, I'd put the colon in because it was in the documentation: "!PopupDynamicfolder:[FOLDER]" I tried it without, but it is still stubborn. Or, as xcal says, Satanic. Argh.

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-21 14:49:19 link

Copy and paste this EXACTLY and see if it works. Don't modify it. Especially the noob part. :D
*Label noob
noobX 75
noobY 75
noobWidth 20
noobHeight 20
noobSolidColors EEEEEE A6A6A6 000000
noobSolidBevelSize 1
noobAlwaysOnTop true
noobOnLeftClick !PopupDynamicFolder "C:\LiteStep" -355 -200

That will put a button in the upper left area of your screen. Click it, see if it works.

(I wonder if there's a conflict in your "Taskbar" group.)

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-21 15:03:39 link

Yup, that one worked just fine.

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-21 16:20:05 link

Ok, so take it from there...

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-21 16:32:30 link

Alright, I'll work on it.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-21 20:30:13 link

Ok, I made it work the way I want; apprently something didn't like that button being added to the taskbar group. *Shrug* Thanks for all your help!

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-01-22 23:47:42 link

"apprently something didn't like that button being added to the taskbar group."
I dont even want to know.

Posted by member 250843 on 2006-01-23 07:02:26 link

What is your problem? I was simply confirming what xcal guessed a few posts ago.

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-01-24 21:57:44 link

ok, sorry. My problem is the "something", thats all ;)