Winamp mp3 cover art Thread last updated on 2006-01-17 15:08:26

Posted by member 299590 on 2006-01-17 08:03:49

Hello, I am really really new to LiteStep but I was wondering the following:

Is it possible to make the cover art (a .jpg or .bmp) stored in an mp3 appear on the desktop? Or just a .jpg with a certain name saved in the mp3's folder

How can I do it?

Thanks in advance !

Posted by member 37809 on 2006-01-17 10:04:35 link

Batch convert your coverart JPGs to somename.png's and then use a winamp plugin that will let you export the currently-playing filename somewhere. From there you can extract the dir from the path. Have a label whose text is "[winampSong]" and onTextChange will !LabelRefresh the image of the cover art label (you can use a single label if you hide the text by setting a TopBorder > Height). So if you have time on your hands to get this system going, good luck.

Posted by member 1 on 2006-01-17 12:51:14 link

It would be much easier just to use software specifically designed for it. There are a bunch of Winamp plugins that do it but personally I run Winamp CD Cover. Small and stable and will even search for the ones you don't have.

Posted by member 299590 on 2006-01-17 15:08:26 link

Ok thanks, using a customised CD Cover :)