I just got into this thing,please dont think Im being arrogant when I ask the question: Litestep; whats the point. correct me if Im wrong but litestep is about improving both the asthetics and the interface of the windows platform (something that I think is needed). However it seems to me that it only does a half arsed job. if you were painting your house why would you only paint half of it? litestep is like a desktop makeover everything else stays the same which actually maks matters worse as they clash constantly during use. why cant someone make a theme that changes every thing down to the font in my computer and the tabs on your browser? I would just like to say it again that I am not trying to agitate on this forum, I think alot of the themes are amazing looking and I used to be a graphic designer.
...*Hits on head before placing in hole*
*Repeat process*
Did you do any reading about LiteStep, or was your head shoved too far up your ass? Nowhere does it say that LiteStep will change everything...hell we even say it doesn't change this or that because morons expect it to. Look at some of the profile screenshots...does it look like we settled for what M$ wanted? Does it look like it is possible to change every little thing? God damn man. For not trying to agitate anyone you sure did a shitty job of expressing your opinion. Now get the fuck out of here and do some reading.
Litestep is a shell replacement,
On XP you can get VisualStyles (with a hack) that can change your window styles,
there are plenty of other apps that change other aspects of windows UI too (icons, fonts etc)
So its like LS is a specialised tool for one aspect of UI modding.
DeV: That time of the month? (LS n00b sacrifice day)
Litestep paints your house. It does not paint your shed, car, fence, boat, lawn, roof, furniture, and change your wardrobe to match.
Microsoft has made the shell and these other things very different jobs in Windows.
Also, can you imagine the amount of work it'd take to make a theme that covered all of that? You'd have maybe 1 out of 10,000 that changed everything.
If you want to change everything, check out WindowsBlinds. Also all of the other programs that Stardock offers for customizing windows... I personally like litestep better, in my opinion it uses less resources after all is said and done... Only difference is that you can't customize your icons and tabs and stuff like WindowsBlinds and Stardock's other programs will do...
wtf? still dont get it?
RabidCow: 1 out of 10,000? Take a look at customize.org, the suites there are quiet cool.