Question about step.rc Thread last updated on 2003-03-24 03:07:27

Posted by member 18353 on 2003-03-24 00:52:23

I'm rather new to Litestep, but I really love how it works. My friend gave me a mod for my computer that sets up my cpu usage mem usage and so on. I was wondering how to add information about how much my harddrive has left instead of how much is on it. Right now it says that I have used 15127 mb, but I wish for it to say that I have 154000mb left. Is there anyway to edit the step.rc file to for it to do this task and what commands would I use to set it. Thanks.

Posted by member 333 on 2003-03-24 03:07:27 link

I guess you're either using rainmeter or label for what you're already doing. I suggest you check out the readmes for those modules and experiment with it. If you still can't figure it out, then just consult the forums again!

btw, this is no rant or whatever. It's just a general good LS-advice... try before you ask, you know ;)