problem with omars litestep installer Thread last updated on 2006-01-07 14:19:50

Posted by member 295935 on 2006-01-06 22:17:50

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Hi all.

I downloaded this (link up) from another happy litestep user's reccomendation, and installed. Upon rebooting, however, nothing seemed to have changed aside from my wallpaper being different. I look in my process' menu, but litestep is not running. OKAY, so I try running litestep.exe. I get the following error:

"You are currently running another shell, while Litestep b24 allows you to run under Explorer, we don't advise it for inexperienced users, and we will not support it, so do so at your own risk.

If you continue, some of the advanced features of Litestep will be disabled such as the desktop. The wharf, hotkeys, and shortcuts will still work.

To get rid of this message next time, put LSNoShellWarning in your step.rc.


Alright. First problem: I dont know why it says im running a shell, maybe I am just inexperienced with Litestep (wait, I am actually) but I have nothing running. So I press yes anyway, and get a lot of errors regarding hotkeys failing to register. Also, the color scheme for windows changes, my desktop icons reappear (they were disabled) and I can see the shell components on the bottom of the screen, however they dont work and are partially hidden by the start menu. My desktop icons dont work either.

OKAY. This can be fixed by terminating the litestep.exe process, but it just goes back to the beggining. I also tried 'Set Litestep as shell' from the start menu, but upon rebooting I am just brought to where I was at the top of this thread. Ive looked through manuals, FAQs, the usual sort of stuff, but after 2 hours I give up.

Any sort of help would be appreciated. THANKIES!

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-01-06 23:16:25 link

What OS you running? You could have a look in your registry and make sure the proper changes are being made. Check here:

Posted by member 31 on 2006-01-07 01:20:59 link

Does your account have administrative privileges on the machine?

Posted by member 1 on 2006-01-07 02:36:42 link

Well...the first problem stuff makes it sound like you didn't reboot. If you did reboot and all was well you wouldn't have a start menu anymore. If you did reboot that means that your registry changes weren't correct and you should see the install docs.

Im going to guess that you tried to install LS on XP64 or some beta of Vista. If you did then you need to go back and read the XP64 thread under LS Builds.

Posted by member 295935 on 2006-01-07 12:28:28 link

The registry thing fixed it, thanks!

I am using XP by the way. :)

Posted by member 1 on 2006-01-07 12:37:54 link

ARGH!!!! And its LiteStep...NOT LIGHTSTEP!!!!

I should ban you for this.

Posted by member 295935 on 2006-01-07 14:19:50 link


But I have one more problem. My file manager doesnt work, it kicks me back to explorer. This seems to be a common problem, and ive been fiddling with the registry as people have said. However one change doesnt seem to work:

"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

set the 'shell' String to:


I cant create the 'shell' string. I can create any other name, but it wont let me create 'shell' for some reason. It appears, but I cant modify it, and if I reload the folder it dissapears. WTF?