question about keeboard Thread last updated on 2006-01-03 21:39:30

Posted by member 295759 on 2006-01-03 21:01:53

i have a Zboard (gaming keeboard)and with ls it wont let me use my hotkees!! whats up with that? and how do i get rid of it?

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-01-03 21:39:30 link

how do you get rid of your Zboard? I'd say smash it up a bit, then sweep up the pieces into an oil drum, then pour petrol on it, lite it and run away (there must be some emission law you need to get away from)

Alternatively you can keep you Zboard and setup the hotkeys for it!

search around the forums here for help on hotkey's and anykey ;)

Also maybe dont cook anything on the fire, it will surely be Ztoxic ;)