hi, im new. =).
so i bet you get this all the time, i can't figure out how the hell to set up my step.rc
ive read 2 or 3 tuts and ive gotten nothing out of it. i'm not computer illiterate, and i know java and basic, and am learning C. i just honestly dont know where to begin, and it's killing me. ive tried searching all over the web for a beginner's copy of step.rc, just so i could load steplite.exe, but sadly to no avail. i also tried getting on IRC and going to the LS channel, but apparently my IP has been blacklisted for some reason, and i havent used irc for about 5 months. i am honestly lost, and can not figure out what i should do to get my step.rc configured and ready to go.
i know i will probably get shit for this thread, but this is a last resort attempt for me. i hope you guys can help me out.
Just go to the download section, install using Omar's installer, update with the final build, stick to OTS2 themes.
What the heck is steplite?
wow. kinda messed up right now, dunno what i was thinking typing steplite. ive tried omar's installer, all it gives me are errors
Ok, if you want help, you're going to have to be a lot more specific than "errors."
Simply installing Litestep doesn't require file editing.
ok, well i have austere n all right? so it loads all nice and dandy, but none of the buttons do anything. is that normal?
If you haven't defined your evars, ya. Look in \personal\evars.rc
yeah i tried 1 from DA, it didnt work
You're not being specific again...
Before you ask anymore questions, it's time to do some studying.
what does "zomg" stand for in your sig?
and it does work, more get it working than have it fail.
*sigh* Read the first post from this thread.