I was running bblean and litestep with shellon. Then I used this registry editor to stop AOL and some other stuff from loading when my comp started up. I'm not sure if using this prog had anything to do with it (it was called Startup Editor for WIndows or somthing) but now neither Shellon or Carapace will load when I log in, although they work when I manually load them.
What can I do? I have no way to switch to litestep or explorer now (easily anyway)...
Can someone help me??
I don't use a shell switcher, but you just need them to start when you boot your computer? Just make a shortcut to one of them in \Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
actually what you need to do is set ShellOn as your Shell. There is an option in there somewhere to re-enable it, don't have it in front of me now though. If not...read the LS docs for installing in 2K and replace LS in there with ShellOn and you should be ok.
Ive deleted both and reinstalled them, setting shellon and carapace each as the shell, and it doesnt work. I also put a shortcut in startup, and that didnt work either...
I just compied the shellchanger from litestep, and im using that for now.... Any other ideas?
DeV's is the right way, for those apps. Ignore me.
Sounds like you are editing HKCU when HKLM is set to load the shell. Set HKLM to ShellOn and see if that works. And why are you setting them both up?
how do i set HKLM to load the shell?
I didnt load them both at once, but i tried to see if bot worked
Straight from the LS Docs.
HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\system.ini\boot>
SYS:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Then set ShellOn as your shell here...
HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon>Shell