Modifying a theme - Basic Question about the right click menu Thread last updated on 2005-12-28 16:15:29

Posted by member 254827 on 2005-12-28 15:42:37

OK, I found a theme called "Minimalist" and it only has 3 files to configure.

One deals with the "Popup" which i've guessed is the menu that appears when you right-click.

I've seen how the structure of the file works and how it builds the menu but i'd like to add my own folder to the menu.

Here's the file:

*Popup "Minimal" !new !PopupTheme
*Popup "litestep" folder
*Popup "litestep folder" !DynamicFolder:"$LiteStepDir$"
*Popup "personal folder" !DynamicFolder:"$PersonalDir$"
*Popup !Separator
*Popup "change themes" Folder
*Popup !Separator
include "$ThemesDir$themeslist.rc"
*Popup ~Folder
*Popup "utilities" !PopupFolder:"$LitestepDir$utilities\"
*Popup "edit config" Folder
*Popup !Separator
*Popup "personal files" !PopupFolder:"$PersonalDir$"
*Popup "edit theme config" !DynamicFolder:"$ConfigDir$"
*Popup ~Folder
*Popup "module docs" !PopupFolder:"$ModulesDir$docs\|$LitestepDir$NLM\*.html"
*Popup ~Folder
*Popup !Separator
*Popup "quicklaunch" !PopupDynamicFolder:$quicklaunch$
*Popup "recycle" !recycle
*Popup !Separator
*Popup "shutdown" Folder
*Popup "shutdown dialogue" !Shutdown
*Popup !Separator
*Popup "log off" !execute [shutdown.exe -l]
*Popup "restart" !execute [shutdown.exe -r -t 0]
*Popup "shutdown" !execute [shutdown.exe -s -t 0]
*Popup ~Folder
*Popup ~new

How would I add my own folder to that? Is it possible?

How would I go about deleting some of the folders in it such as "Litestep", "Programmes" and "Quick Launch", as I don't need them? I have tried deleting them from that code but they magically still appear.

Also, is there a way to make a delay before the menus pop up because, sometimes, I accidentally move my mouse over one and it blocks the original menu completely.

I only got Litestep today so I know nothing of this topic.


Posted by member 212670 on 2005-12-28 16:12:39 link

That's actually the theme specific popup menu, accessed by holding shift and left clicking the desktop. The popup you're after is in \personal\popup.rc. You'll find docs in the \modules\docs folder, but you'll get a good idea of structure just by checking out the file. Back it up before you start messing with it.

Posted by member 1 on 2005-12-28 16:15:29 link


Now there will be no more hand-holding!