for some odd reason, geekamp and dynamp plugins dont work on my computer.
i have to manually turn on the winamp to make the plugin work.
any suggestions?
and my evar matches my file path..
that would be the only thing that will not open winamp when you click open. Make sure your path points directly to the file and is enclosed in quotes if need be.
Did you make sure your theme runs the evar?
Make sure you have WinampPath set. $AudioPlayer$ isn't enough. And of course PlayNotOpen should NOT be set, otherwise geekamp won't open winamp on !amp_play.
i did the winamppath but it still doesnt work for some reason.
and when i press !amp_show, this tiny window pops out showing "winamp 2.5" when i have 2.81
uninstall winamp completely and install it again :-/
maybe that will help?
Maybe you installed 2 versions of Winamp? I dunno...I'm stumped....
is this a one-theme-only or a global problem?
I'm having the same problem. Double checked evars, paths'n'stuff, and still, the play button just opens winamp. :\ Even when I start winamp manually It wont work. "WinAmp off" is all it displays, even on different themes. Oh well. :( It's possible to remove it completely.
JoEDaddy: do you use 2.81 as well? what does !amp_show display on your box?
Winamp 2.81? I use winamp 3 if thats what you mean. :O !amp_show just starts up winamp, like clicking on the shortcut. No little boxes or windows popup(other than winamp). I've tried this on a couple themes, same thing :\ I'm sticking the the 2.1 installer theme for the moment, to see what i can mess with.
The Winamp controls in the installer build does not support Winamp3...downgrade and everything should work fine.
Downgraded to 2.81 and everything works fine. Although I have to figure out a way to convert my WinAmp3 playlists(12+ of them) to 2.81 :\ Anyone know of a way other than getting into notepad and editing them by hand?
an m3u is an m3u...its a standardized file
Winamp3 is b4s, winamp2 cant read them.
er, nm. Figured out how. =O
JoEDaddy: search the forum for "dynamp". geekamp only works with winamp2.
I was having the same problem. Thanks to this thread I got dynamp and its fixed. The controls work with WinAmp3, but the display on the controls (Simplicity) still show "Winamp off" even though its running. Any ideas on how to get it to work or am I being too picky? Hehee
Lairc: I never used Simplicity but I guess it's using literunner.dll to determine when winamp is on and off. Just take a look to see if a line like this exist:
*OnRun "Winamp v1.x" ...
replace it with
*OnRun "Studio" ...
I finally gave up, deleted WinAmp3 and went back to version 2. I never used any of the bundled stuff with 3 anyway.