Posted by member 280260 on 2005-12-04 12:38:31
*Label Command
CommandWidth 250
CommandHeight 35
CommandX 500
CommandY 500
CommandImage command-bg.png
CommandMoveModifierKey ".none"
CommandFont "Century Gothic"
CommandFontColor ffffff
CommandTextEditBox 0 0 100%
CommandWidth 250
CommandHeight 35
CommandX 500
CommandY 500
CommandImage command-bg.png
CommandMoveModifierKey ".none"
CommandFont "Century Gothic"
CommandFontColor ffffff
CommandTextEditBox 0 0 100%
Here's the full code for the label I'm working on. Ultimately it's going to be an command-type thing but right now I just want to be able to type in it. Is there something I'm doing wront with that last line that is preventing me from being able to type in it?