Problem Switching Themes Thread last updated on 2005-11-29 22:47:19

Posted by member 100789 on 2005-11-22 19:56:54

Windows XP SP2
Litestep 0.25.0 (happened with 0.24.7 RC3 too)
Omar's Litestep Installer 3.0.2

So here's the problem. Whenever I try to switch themes (using the right-click popup menu), I get this alert: "Litestep Theme Installer: This theme could not be installed. Would you like to view the log to see what was wrong?" I click yes and it says this: "ERROR: could not find LiteStepDir, exiting // theme was not installed". This also happens when I try to refresh my themes list, install a theme, or just run LSThemeInstaller.exe. If I edit ThemeSelect.rc manually and just refresh litestep it works fine.

I don't know what the problem could be because I'm pretty sure it knows where my litestep folder is...any ideas?

Posted by member 1885 on 2005-11-22 20:07:52 link

*cough* well, I happen to know that the LS theme installer doesn't like spaces at the beginning of the otsmajorversion/otsminorversion lines, which results in that particular error message. Maybe you should check that.

Posted by member 1 on 2005-11-22 21:45:32 link

It also likes to give that error if you didn't run the installer or happen to move your LS folder after installing.

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-11-22 23:24:49 link

Ya, along the lines of what DeV is saying, check the LSThemeInstaller.log in the \Litestep...\utilities folder. Do the first few lines (example: LiteStepDir found: [x:\pathtolitestep]) match where your actual Litestep folder is?

Posted by member 5575 on 2005-11-23 01:17:53 link

Gee West, ummm, when did you happen to notice that? =P

Posted by member 1885 on 2005-11-23 02:47:29 link

It came to me in a dream.

Posted by member 100789 on 2005-11-29 19:01:56 link

Iunno, it happens to ALL themes and they USED to work...
You think attempting to install LOSI over it will fix it? Does Litestep install stuff to anywhere other than the Litstep folder (I told it to install themes at litestep\themes), maybe if I deleted the folder and reinstalled it would work o_O.

This is all I have in my log:
"ERROR: could not find LiteStepDir, exiting

theme was not installed"

Posted by member 1 on 2005-11-29 20:44:13 link

Installing LOSI over the top is not an option..sorry.

What I would do, and have done, is move my current LS folder to like litestep.old and installed omar's installer to the old LiteStep directory. Then copy your litestep.old folder over the top of the new LiteStep folder and all should be well.

Posted by member 100789 on 2005-11-29 21:23:38 link

Mm I killed the old folder and reinstalled it. The uninstall wouldn't even work until I used a different login, probably the same reason that only this user account doesn't work properly...

So I reinstalled it and it works fine now. Weird. Whatever :].

Thanks for helping.

Posted by member 1 on 2005-11-29 22:47:19 link I moved it. The uninstall must have been pointed to some directory that didn't exist anymore. But its fixed so who cares.