i'm using the simplicity theme, and i just want to modify the colors of the bar slightly so it will match my vstyle. i found the color config file, but i'm not sure how i should go about changing the colors... the color codes dont seem to be of the type #XXXXXX like i'm used to. any help?
I belive in this theme instead of hex its just numbers. So instead of FF it's 255 and 00 is 0.
red = ff0000 = 255 0 0
green = 00ff00 = 0 255 0
blue = 0000ff = 0 0 255
Yea, you can also use Photoimpact or Frontpage and than go to change collor and you'll find that.
(for this two i'm sure)
Photoshop (at least my v7.0)) also has that feature. just type in the hex-code and check out the normal RGB-code or vice versa.
some modules accept both. almost all take #RRGGBB find you know that a module does switch them out for your easy of use.