RC File Access Denied? Thread last updated on 2005-10-14 03:30:15

Posted by member 275819 on 2005-10-11 23:11:18

This may have been brought up before but seeing as the search function is busted i cant look for it...

in my personal files folder when i try to open the files:

I get a windows error "Access Denied." on all of the files. I've tried installing different builds, having the personal folder under documents and settings vs the lightstep directory and tried editing them without litestep activated at all.

The theme.rc and step.rc files open just fine...

No matter what I do I get an "Access Denied" popup when I attempt to open them.

I've googled this and found a couple other people with the problem in various places but no fix that anyone mentioned...

Running WindowsXP SP2 on an AMD64 CPU.

Thanks for any help anyone here can give me.

Posted by member 12025 on 2005-10-12 01:21:53 link

Associate .rc files with a text editor, rather than the LS core (even if you are using 'open with...'). Also, you could try explicitly taking ownership of them.

This is a weird thing that happened with some Win2k and XP updates, and without a newer installer, requires manual fixing (the new installer part is being worked on, though :)).

Posted by member 275819 on 2005-10-12 12:45:53 link

As far as the latter idea of explicit taking ownership, would you be able to expound upon that at all? Thanks for the help.

Posted by member 275819 on 2005-10-12 12:47:55 link

Actually your first idea worked perfectly. Thanks for the info.


Posted by member 12025 on 2005-10-12 21:12:07 link

Unfortunately, I can't, you'll have to Google it. It works differently in Windows XP than Windows 2000 (which I'm running).

Posted by member 275819 on 2005-10-13 16:10:48 link

Well, since your first idea worked fine, i guess i don't need to worry about it. I just went into folder options and set the default application for handling *.rc files to textpad...

Posted by member 248213 on 2005-10-14 03:30:15 link

*added to the wiki, in the FAQ