Winamp Control Module Problem Thread last updated on 2005-10-10 15:57:09

Posted by member 274898 on 2005-10-09 23:56:40

Hello again... :)

This time I'm having a problema with the AmpControl Module... I was playing around with the Austerity theme, then I decided I wanted to put the AmpControl module next to the systray, at the right side of the bar... I had no problems moving the taskbar, however when I tried to change scripting so the AmpControl would realign according to the systray, he just wouldn't! He kinda ignores the Systray module and just sits there.

I tried everything already. Here's a screenshot of how I "solved" the problem, which obviously isn't a solution at all because if the taskbar resizes, the AmpControl module won't :(

See the -73 thingy... =/ Note that's just the last setting I tried, before that I played around with systraywidth, timewidth and stuff, which is the same because the taskbar module varies according to those.

Help me :(

Thanks in advance!

Posted by member 1 on 2005-10-10 02:20:30 link

What you would need to do is mess with some scripting to get the OnAdd events for the System tray to move your amp controls around. It really is a pain in the butt.

Posted by member 274898 on 2005-10-10 15:57:08 link

Ok, I got that... I tried out some stuff in script.rc but I didn't get any exciting results. I tried to add a line here:

*Script label ColumnFull_lbl
; if the column icon count is now 3, then a new column was created for this
; icon, so:
; - taskbar needs to be shrunk to free room for the new column
; - new column contains 1 icon, so column icon count is set to 1
*Script exec |TaskbarShrink 18 -1
*Script exec |VarSet IconsInColumn 1
;*Script exec |Alert "column full, IconsInColumn = %{IconsInColumn}, IconCount = %{IconCount}"
*Script ~bang

I tried to put:
*Script exec |VarSet AmpX $AmpX-18$
and also:
*Script exec |VarAdd AmpX -18

But nothing happened... Any ideas?