I love the idea of a radial menu such as seen in Neverwinter Nights, where you click and bubbles/icons show up in a circular pattern around your mouse and you can then click on those for further sub-icons/objects. Pretty much take the start menu and turn it into a circle with the icons/menues around it. Is it possible to create a module/plugin that would enable one to do that? I'd love to hear any ideas or suggestions!
xLabel, and time to configure it. With lsxcommand or LSLua, you could even have some dynamicness to it (add/remove icons), but it would still be a time-consuming thing to do, mainly because there's nothing to build from.
There is a theme on this site that does it already.
If you don't mind me asking, which theme(s) has/have the radial menu in it? I'd be very interested in taking a look at it. Thankx.
You ahve to fake it kinda like this...
Dev, that theme doesnt have a radial menu in it. Maybe you got the link wrong...
nope...got the link right. shows exactly how it is possible...Im not gonna dig through no 900 themes for the other one...you nutz?
oh, how its possible... ok.
Well its a big step from laserdock to what this guy wants... but its got some script that is related.
^That looks cool :] *steal*