Feedback, Beta Test, Constructive Criticism, Bug Search Please Thread last updated on 2005-10-17 17:43:54

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-09-28 20:51:27

Ugh I think the title says it all, but before I upload the theme to the mainpage I was wondering if any kind souls could take pity on me and give the theme a whirl. A screenshot of the theme can be found at:

And the theme (with its five color options + wallpapers) can be found here:

Posted by member 1 on 2005-09-29 02:45:04 link

Looks like a theme that was released over a year ago.

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-09-29 03:09:23 link

Here's your feedback:

-scrolling amp text when not running is annoying (suggest something simplier for when the amp is off like "Amp Off" or make it stop scrolling on click)
-lsxcommand doesn't save its position
-couldn't get the rainmeter to work (missing bar.png - looked through your images, didn't find it)
-use a theme.ini to install the font
-in the popuptheme.rc /e, should be removed. That's an explorer switch which isn't necessary, and will mess with other filemanagers (like mine :D).
-also in the popuptheme.rc, the paths for "litestep docs" and "3rd Party docs" aren't right.

I personally think it looks quite good. The vwm switching wps might put some people off, but I think it's cool, too.

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-09-29 19:00:44 link

Thank you very much for all the feedback!

To answer devilboi it is a rerelease of the theme "modern" that was released some time ago. I put the information in the included readme to clear up any confusion but failed to mention it in the thread sorry for the confusion. I updated the modules and changed up some of the gui to suit my own personal use and since the original author gave permission to modify and release I decided to put the work in progress up here for feedback.

-I will look into the scrolling text, it never really bothered me but I can see how some wouldn't like it.
-Im not all too familiar with lsxcommand but it was part of the original theme so I felt no need to remove it, I will look into getting it to save it's position though.
-I knew I'd do something foolish and it figures it would be to forget an image (mind you I think its just a bad line in the ini) I will resolve that upon with the next upload
-I need to learn how to use the theme.ini to install the font but I look forward to the learning experience
-popuptheme.rc /e, should be removed. That's an explorer switch which isn't necessary, and will mess with other filemanagers..... Well it works with 2xplorer but I can see how cross compatibility can be an issue. I will change it most likely to ensure cross compatibility
-also in the popuptheme.rc, the paths for "litestep docs" and "3rd Party docs" aren't right. DOH! I never even noticed.

Thank you very much for the feedback this is exactly what I was trying to illicit from members of the community. Once I get the whole theme working smoothly I plan on sending it to the original author for a once-over and then I will toss it up on the main forum, I really don't want to have to make multiple releases with a bunch of little fixes. Not that I'm saying I expect it to be perfect but I don't want to release a low quality product if you know what I mean.

Very Respectfully

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-09-29 19:08:55 link

I had a glance through the modules the theme uses, and there's not really a graceful way to save the lsxcommand's position (the cmd itself doesn't have an OnMove event or even export its position - and that ver of label isn't much help, either.).

For kicks I actually had a working save for it which fired a bang OnUnfocus capturing and saving the mouse's x/y, which kinda worked, but it was really unreliable (OnUnFocus' event was flakey).

Anyway, it's not really big deal, so I wouldn't sweat that part. =)

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-09-30 19:04:56 link

You can now get the latest upload at

-scrolling text for no winamp is removed
-lsxcommand will have to stay the way it is for now
-proper rainmeter skin is included
-the /e has been pulled from the *.rc file
-Fixed the documentation link in the popup theme

I will address the theme.ini, make a proper readme file, make a better screenshot in issue next release. My work is taking me away from the internet for about two weeks probably but I look forward to releasing the theme when I return.

Once again thank you very much for your time and feedback.

Posted by member 12025 on 2005-09-30 19:26:55 link

1. Rainmeter claims not to have skins.
2. Label-1.99?! xLabel-3.4.2!!!
3. lsxcommand: replace label with xlabel, and use mzscript or xtextedit to save the position of the label. ancient example, using an old mzscript and xlabel.
4. Apply wallpaper is not checked in the why is it changing it?!

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-09-30 22:27:37 link

radhaz: stick this in your theme.rc
RainmeterSkinPath "$ThemeDir$misc"

to fix your rainmeter skin problem - then you can just leave the skin in the misc folder. (If you switch to xlabel, as cerbie suggested, you could also ditch rainmeter and just use xlabel for the readouts.)

As for the amp's text, it looks funny with nothing there when it's not on. Even the scrolling text was better, imo.

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-10-15 15:40:56 link

Thanks for all the great feedback. As suggested I have switched to xlabel (3.4.1 was all I had at the time) and ditched rainmeter. The wallpaper switches with the vwm because that's how the module is configured, if I misunderstood the question feel free to clarify and I will be happy to answer what I can.

Latest revision and possibly the last depending on the feedback/bug reports I get here. Feel free to peruse the readme below in case you have problems opening text files on your pc :)


Latest Revision (major changes):

---------------------------Included Readme-------------------------------

This skin is an adaptation of the original "modern" theme found on I managed to lower the system resource usage of the original
skin and even added a few features that I find useful by updating/switching
out the modules used by the original theme.

Many thanks go out to the original author of this theme Paul "BigDaddy" Hale, as the graphics and overall "flow" of the original theme were fantastic enough for me to use it as long as I have. I would also like to thank the members on the forums ( that took the time to download my works in progress and provided feedback and advice on how to refine the skin.

This theme (depending on the color scheme) matches with the following skins

Winamp MMD3
Windowblinds BP-XP

The beauty of the theme/skin matching is that there are so many color
combinations that can be used to suit the individual user's taste.


3 Virtual Desktops
Resolution Independent (widescreen friendly)
3 simple wallpapers (Included) that switch with the vwm
5 Color schemes
Mousover on time displays scrolling date
Mouseover on winamp display shows time remaining on the track
Winamp control from desktop (including wheelmouse volume control)
Ability to display system resource and network usage from taskbar

Modules used:

*netloadmodule xlabel-3.4.1

------------------------------END Readme---------------------------------

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-10-15 17:49:57 link

Looks great. No more suggestions here.

Posted by member 1 on 2005-10-15 17:59:42 link

Is there a reason why you aren't posting these in the themes section?

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-10-16 00:04:55 link

Ya, you should release this.

Btw, I do actually have a suggestion. As previously mentioned, it would be cool if the lsxcommand saved its position. I was bored, so here's how:

1. Open your theme.rc and move your "*netloadmodule xlabel-3.4.1" to the end. It has to load after lsxcommand.

2. Add this to your script.rc:
*script bang !moved
*script exec !varset cmdhookX %#cmdhookCurrentX%#
*script exec !varset cmdhookY %#cmdhookCurrentY%#
*script ~bang

3. Add this to your scriptvars.rc:
cmdhookX 0
cmdhookY 29

4. Add this to your theme.rc (this can go in your config.rc file, but each config.rc file in each style folder will need it):
*Label cmdhook
cmdhookWidth 224
cmdhookHeight 29
cmdhookImage lsxcommand.png
cmdhookOnMove !moved
cmdhookMoveable true
cmdhookMoveArea 0 25 $ResolutionX$ $ResolutionY-25$
cmdhookMoveModifierKey .none
cmdhookAlwaysOnTop true
cmdhookStartHidden true

*cmdhookModuleHook !CommandBoxHook


5. In EACH config.rc file, do the following:
-change commandX from 0 to 2
-change commandY from 29 to 2
-remove CommandNotAlwaysOnTop (not needed now)
-remove CommandHiddenOnStart (not needed now)
-remove CommandHideOnUnfocus (not needed now)
-add CommandOnUnfocus !LabelHide cmdhook (will make it hide like you have it now after unfocused)

6. In your PopupTheme.rc do the following:
-change !CommandShow to !LabelShow cmdhook
-change !CommandHide to !LabelHide cmdhook

Hmm, I think that should about do it. That gives it a 2px border that can be dragged and will save its position. If you want a bigger border, just increase the label's width/height and change the command's x/y. (Don't feel you have to do this... it only took a couple minutes to setup, so no sweat ;))

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-10-16 15:51:34 link

Cerbie & xcal, thank you so much for all your valuable feedback and xcal especially for the write-up!

Devilboi, the reason I am not uploading every one of these themes to the frontpage is because I'm not up for releasing a "buggy" project. While I understand no project will ever be finished, I felt the need to submit the themes hear in hopes that some of the more experienced themers would give it a once over and provide valuable feedback as to how it could be improved or any functions that I might have missed. If you read the first post that I made I even mentioned I was seeking feedback before I released it.

Cerbie and xcal both went above and beyond what I was expecting and helped me shape this into something I can be proud of and I truly appreciate there help.

I hope to assuage you devil by letting you know that I have uploaded this theme to the front of the site, and you hopefully won't have to be bothered with this thread any longer. I do appreciate your help very much though devilboi ;p

Posted by member 248213 on 2005-10-16 18:42:36 link

the themes section was designed for your problem ;)

Posted by member 1477 on 2005-10-17 11:17:18 link

The themes section as in the the upload area on the frontpage? I think that the theme's section on the front is rather cluttered with alpha's and beta's of theme's (just search through and you'll see loads of dupe's).

Posted by member 1 on 2005-10-17 11:35:09 link

yup...themes are themes and you will never get all the bugs out. The only thing I really frown upon is a release a day. Once you make a major change...then you reupload...none of this "I removed this line in the theme.rc so that Tasks no longer started hidden."

Posted by member 248213 on 2005-10-17 17:43:54 link

yeah I did that alot.
But hey, its better than having no releases! (or is it?)