Rainmeeter substitute Thread last updated on 2005-09-27 21:47:03

Posted by member 83025 on 2005-09-27 17:33:25

I've been using rainmeeter for some resourcemonitoring but lately I've started to search for something more simple to handle this. I feel like the whole story with skins and plugins are a bit over the top...
All I need is a simple module to show things like cpu mem without having to through the process of first creating a meeter and a skin for it and so on and so forth
So basicly, is there another module out there that provides
rainmeeters functionality?

Posted by member 267126 on 2005-09-27 17:56:14 link

well i could suggest you use use the basic of all commands.
this is a partial code of what Im using for my resource usage.

Labels ClockLabel,DateLabel ReplaceLabel, CPULabel, RAMLabel, SWPLabel,DSKLabel,DSK1Label,DSK2Label,DSK3Label, ;Winamp, ;Command
Labels ClockLabel,DateLabel, CPULabel, RAMLabel, SWPLabel,DSKLabel,DSK1Label,DSK2Label,DSK3Label, ;Winamp, ;Command


CPULabelText "CPU: [cpu]"
CPULabelFont "Verdana"
CPULabelFontHeight 12
CPULabelJustify Right
CPULabelFontColor 255 255 255
CPULabelX 0
CPULabelY 48
CPULabelWidth 80
CPULabelHeight 13
CPULabelRightBorder 5
CPULabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!CPULabelSETText "[Username]"]
CPULabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!CPULabelSETText "CPU: [cpu]"]
CPULabelAlwaysOnTop False

RAMLabelText "RAM: [memInUse(MB)]MB"
RAMLabelFont "Verdana"
RAMLabelFontHeight 12
RAMLabelJustify Right
RAMLabelFontColor 255 255 255
RAMLabelX 0
RAMLabelY 61
RAMLabelWidth 80
RAMLabelHeight 13
RAMLabelRightBorder 5
RAMLabelTransparent False
RAMLabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!RAMLabelSETText "FREE: [MemAvailable(MB)]MB"]
RAMLabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!RAMLabelSETText "RAM: [memInUse(MB)]MB"]
RamLabelAlwaysOnTop False

SWPLabelText "SWP: [SwapInUse(MB)]MB"
SWPLabelFont "Verdana"
SWPLabelFontHeight 12
SWPLabelJustify Right
SWPLabelFontColor 255 255 255
SWPLabelX 0
SWPLabelY 74
SWPLabelWidth 80
SWPLabelHeight 13
SWPLabelRightBorder 5
SWPLabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!SWPLabelSETText "FREE: [SwapAvailable(GB)]GB"]
SWPLabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!SWPLabelSETText "SWP: [SwapInUse(MB)]MB"]
SWPLabelAlwaysOnTop False

DSKLabelText "C:\ [diskAvailable('c:',GB)] GB"
DSKLabelFont "Verdana"
DSKLabelFontHeight 12
DSKLabelJustify Right
DSKLabelFontColor 255 255 255
DSKLabelX 0
DSKLabelY 87
DSKLabelWidth 80
DSKLabelHeight 13
DSKLabelRightBorder 5
DSKLabelTransparent False
DSKLabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!DSKLabelSETText "Sindemonium"]
DSKLabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!DSKLabelSETText "C:\ [diskAvailable('C:',GB)] GB"]
DSKLabelOnLeftClick !popupdynamicfolder "C:"
DSKLabelAlwaysOnTop False

DSK1LabelText "D:\ [diskAvailable('d:',GB)] GB"
DSK1LabelFont "Verdana"
DSK1LabelFontHeight 12
DSK1LabelJustify Right
DSK1LabelFontColor 255 255 255
DSK1LabelX 0
DSK1LabelY 100
DSK1LabelWidth 80
DSK1LabelHeight 13
DSK1LabelRightBorder 5
DSK1LabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!DSK1LabelSETText "Corruption"]
DSK1LabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!DSK1LabelSETText "D:\ [diskAvailable('D:',GB)] GB"]
DSK1LabelOnLeftClick !popupdynamicfolder "D:"
DSK1LabelAlwaysOnTop False

DSK2LabelText "G:\ [diskAvailable('G:',GB)] GB"
DSK2LabelFont "Verdana"
DSK2LabelFontHeight 12
DSK2LabelJustify Right
DSK2LabelFontColor 255 255 255
DSK2LabelX 0
DSK2LabelY 113
DSK2LabelWidth 80
DSK2LabelHeight 13
DSK2LabelRightBorder 5
DSK2LabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!DSK2LabelSETText "Failure"] ;!execute !DynamicFolder:"G:";
DSK2LabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!DSK2LabelSETText "G:\ [diskAvailable('G:',GB)] GB"]
DSK2LabelOnLeftClick !popupdynamicfolder "G:"
DSK2LabelTransparent false
DSK2LabelAlwaysOnTop False

DSK3LabelText "H:\ [diskAvailable('H:',GB)] GB"
DSK3LabelFont "Verdana"
DSK3LabelFontHeight 12
DSK3LabelJustify Right
DSK3LabelFontColor 255 255 255
DSK3LabelX 0
DSK3LabelY 126
DSK3LabelWidth 80
DSK3LabelHeight 13
DSK3LabelRightBorder 5
DSK3LabelOnMouseEnter !execute [!DSK3LabelSETText "Crash"]
DSK3LabelOnMouseLeave !execute [!DSK3LabelSETText "H:\ [diskAvailable('H:',GB)] GB"]
DSK3LabelOnLeftClick !popupdynamicfolder "H:"
DSK3LabelAlwaysOnTop False

simple, no background, no extra GUI, etc. its simple, and its near the top left of your screen (all adjustable of course) its 7 rows deep. and nothing seems to go outside of the width.



^-- Example.

Posted by member 212670 on 2005-09-27 21:47:03 link

What Sinister1212 is using is (x)label. Check out the section on Text Escape Sequences in the xlabel .chm help file.