*jKey is not working for me Thread last updated on 2005-09-15 22:46:59

Posted by member 266591 on 2005-09-15 21:47:34

Perhaps someone can help clear this up for me.

I have installed litestep successfully using Omar's install, I know I have jkey-0.37.dll in my modules folder, and the personal.rc is loading the jkey module. Great. I open vk104.txt and set my internet explorer button on my dell keyboard which ScanKey has properly identified as 000000AC (or 'AC' I suppose) to the tag 'IEHOME' as so:


I open hotkey.rc and type the following:

*jKey .none IEHOME "http://www.cbc.ca"

I save everything, recycle and then press the internet explorer button on the keyboard and nothing happens. I have tried dozens of different commands, playing around with the system but nothing seems to get *jKey to work for me. I can't seem to find anything more helpful on the forum (believe me I looked) and I was hoping someone could perhaps tell me where it is that I am going wrong.

Thank you all.

Posted by member 266591 on 2005-09-15 22:46:59 link

I figured it out... its the comma that was off. should read:


I hope this helps someone else, and I'm not the only one whose spent hours on a comma and a space.