XP logon Thread last updated on 2003-06-22 02:22:57

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 10:13:42

Have a little problem: just got a new pc with xp, got my lan, adsl and other systems working, configured the os and now trying out litestep on the new computer. But there's one thing, that bothers me and i would like to now is this only my thing or has anyone else encountered it too? Normally, when i logon it takes about 2 seconds, but with LS it takes at least 10! I have WinXP Home Edition. When i click on my accounts button, the logon screen resizes to the new screen area (defined by desktop2.dll), then stays that way for about 10 sec, then dissapears and finally everything else, what should have been there for a long time already, appears. Help me! I don't want to go back to explorer!!! :'(

Posted by member 6801 on 2003-03-17 10:21:17 link

Use Jdesk.dll instead desktop2.dll , meaby will works

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 11:16:24 link

nothing changed :(
btw i counted the time, it's about 25 seconds, TWENTY FIVE LONG PAINFUL SECONDS!!! :O
If this continues, i have to do it, i have to, to.. i even can't type it, i have to.. use explorer.exe :'(

Posted by member 6801 on 2003-03-17 11:37:49 link

well... its strage to take u so much time...
i have xp and... well... from 2 secons goes to 10 seconds equal...
but thats happend bcoz XP wait until LiteStep and ALL STARTUP PROGRAMS
loaded at the ICON TRAY finish to load. (in some way with XP waits for everithing to load after show the screen)

so ... when explorer its the shell, only waits to load explorer
in the case of litestep, loads all icons trays after show screen

Posted by member 6801 on 2003-03-17 11:40:55 link

just put explorer and u will see that explorer takes equal seconds to load ALL TRAY ICONS.

in some way... its better wait to load everything instead
wait and see how many things load at start up

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 11:57:46 link

i removed all systray items: no progress, whatsoever. => 25 seconds.

i counted how long does it take for explorer to make all those items appear (i have another account with explorer for my family): 4 seconds.

25 sec > 4 sec

that's just way too much!

Posted by member 6470 on 2003-03-17 12:29:41 link

just hit alt-ctrl-del after a couple seconds and you'll see LS is loaded... xp seems to just wait...

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 12:39:58 link

wow eman, i'm amazed: it worked! :)
i just hope that's only a temporary solution.
does the same thing happen to you too? and why does it happen?

Posted by member 6801 on 2003-03-17 12:47:25 link

meaby somewhere in the registry in xp can assing a time out for that screen... lets search for it :)

Posted by member 35 on 2003-03-17 13:11:26 link

are you using the new xp logon style? change it to the classic logon, all alternative shells have this problem.

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 14:05:28 link

where can i change that?

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-17 14:22:33 link

nevermind, found already

Posted by member 6470 on 2003-03-17 14:34:44 link

yeah, I have the same problem with XP, which is using the new logon style...

Posted by member 13659 on 2003-03-17 16:19:46 link

Ahh I had this problem also - I will try classic!!

Posted by member 7 on 2003-03-26 01:54:17 link

AngelKnight: How do you know it's waiting for the systray icons?

Posted by member 6801 on 2003-03-26 17:11:40 link

its just a theory :P
but its seems a good theory
i tested with a cronometer... and i see that...

when xp joins to the login screen... its waits to load

istead of that with LS waits to load everything after
show all in screen...

so.. is a good theory :)

Posted by member 8104 on 2003-03-27 01:28:55 link

2¢: get XP Pro.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-03-27 02:25:55 link

AngelKnight: Systray icons are usually registered by startup programs, but those are run by LS. Thus they can't really try to register their icons before LS starts up. ;)

Posted by member 42124 on 2003-06-14 14:26:44 link

I'd like to keep the non-classic login screen. How do I get it so it doesn't take 30-40 seconds to load?

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-06-14 14:28:34 link

look up ;)
press ctrl+alt+del after you have chosen your account.

Posted by member 4132 on 2003-06-16 15:12:08 link

That's hardly a way to do things. It may work, but it's certainly not the way it 'should' be. Pressing ctrl+alt+del every boot can get verry annoying :(

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-06-16 15:32:57 link

uhh, then fix it yourself. I mean, these guys don't get paid for this. they wrote litestep for us (and themselves) for free. if you have a complaint, fine, but be polite about it, don't start talking about how things "should be". they have enough on their plates working on getting 0.24.7 out. I'm sure they're still working on bugs in 0.24.6, and I'm sure someone's aware of the bug, but considering everything they're doing FOR FREE, just lay off. I'm not trying to be an a$$, just trying to say "lay off".

Posted by member 39367 on 2003-06-16 21:24:00 link

What if you made a hotkey that did ctrl alt delete, maybe f5 or something, that would be easy.

EDIT: Or what if you made something that loaded a bang command that hit ctrl alt delete on litestep startup, even easier!

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-06-17 02:27:01 link

ls developers are not the ones to blame for the bug. this happens with all alternative shells (like sryo said) which means that this is a winxp bug, so blame bill and M$.

Posted by member 31839 on 2003-06-20 18:18:14 link

I too am encountering this bug. Strange thing is, I uninstalled litestep a couple weeks back and reinstalled it recently, and it is only occuring with this freshly installed litestep. Maybe its a particular version doing it? I'm using the LiteStep 2.1 (Omar) build at the moment, not sure what I was using before. Is there something in the registry or a startup.ini sort of file that we could edit which would disable this wait for load delay?

Instead of arguing lets see if we can't help get this fixed ;)

Posted by member 30694 on 2003-06-20 21:47:10 link

well as i say in a post... i am a old litestep user (around 3 years) and i always used litestep whit win98 and the last year whit winme, then change computer and change win!! now using winxp i dont even try to install litestep... it seems it has a loto of problems, may be bill gaYtes change something in the core of win and shit i want litestep!!! well i prefer linux... but linux doesnt run all the games i need lol so if somebody can help us the fuckin newbies plz help us!!

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-06-21 12:02:54 link

well, like it says above, the easy fix is to use the classic logon. if you absolutely refuse to give up the new xp logon, well, for right now at least, you're accepting the logon wait time. now, I'm running litestep on my work XP computer, and I have NO problems with it. granted, I'm using the classic logon (since I'm on a network), and I have the themes service disabled (which can cause some VWM problems).

Posted by member 910 on 2003-06-21 22:01:02 link

wow. i remember when 25 seconds was a darned decent time for startup. you kids are spoiled :oP

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-06-22 02:22:57 link

it's normal if you're using a comp from the last millennium ;) but it's not if you have 2,4GHz under your hood just doing nothing and you sitting and watching a blue screen.

btw, i'm not trying to say that older computers are so slow. i have one from 1998 and it's really fast if you keep it clean from "dirt".