Hey guys how do I move the postion of my system tray right now its at the top but i want to put it at the bottom also i would search the forum but there is no search button and yes i did look at the faqs
You need to change the systray's X Y coordinates in the step.rc file. If you look at the systray's documentation, it'll tell you more.
Ok maybe I am stupid but when I look into the step.rc file this is all there is under the systray part
SystrayBorderTop 0
SystrayBorderLeft 0
SystrayBorderRight 0
SystrayBorderBottom 0
Systraybitmap trayback.png
SystrayIconSpacingX 2
SystrayIconSpacingY 6
SystrayIconSize 16
*SystrayIconHueColor 128 128 128
*SystrayIconHueIntensity 128
sorry i know this is a stupid question
Which theme are you using? I'll have a look...
Don't be sorry...it's not a stupid question.
Add this:
sysTrayX 0
sysTrayY -18
Then add some numbers onto the sysTrayX to get the exact horizontal positioning. I hope this helps.
cas I am using the Skylight theme page 6 on the themes page.
I tryed that Mr. White didnt seem to do anything.
Now this is going to sound really dumb...but did you recycle after you made the change in your step.rc?
did you check all included files for "SystrayX" ot "SystrayY" lines?
What ? what mod are you using ? is it the latest ver?
ya i did recycle
were are the include files at?
the latest version of everything downloaded it all yesterday dont know the exact version
OK...found it. It's in lsbox. If you're using the anti-depressants color scheme, look in:
Edit that file where it says:
*WharfModule 159 9 280 30 $LitestepDir$\systray2.dll
I *guess* you have to give the beginning and end X, Y coordinates...that's why there are 4 numbers.
awsome thanks so much man much apreciation
*WharfModule x y width height "ModuleToLoadAsWharf"
Errr...not a man, but you're welcome. heh
oh haha well thank you so much girl :)