!togglemodules Query Thread last updated on 2004-08-29 11:35:13

Posted by member 121601 on 2004-08-26 12:14:53

I have searched on the forums for info on this fine little bang command. The theme I am using at the moment doesnt use lsautohide or whatever the command is as standard so when playing games, LS is still to the front. I can solve the problem by using !togglemodules , it works fine.

I use this command through the gestures module, but once all modules have been toggled 'off' , I cant make a gesture to turn all modules 'on' again. Soooo what Im asking is:

Is there a way to disable all modules other than any that the user specifies?

IE, I want to disable all modules other than the Gesture module. Is this possible?

(shortcut keys do not work with my current theme for some reason so using gesture movement instead of this).

Thanks for any info :)


Posted by member 5575 on 2004-08-26 13:18:05 link

Well, I would have suggested you use a hotkey to toggle the modules. Why don't hotkeys work with your current theme? Perhaps your hotkey module just isn't being loaded for some reason?

OTOH, you can use a third-party application for gestures that will work regardless of whether or not LS modules are shown/hidden/not running at all. I use strokeIt for things like this, and it happily coexists with LS. I also use another non-LS hotkey app - I can run my common programs and tasks with no shell running at all if need be, and I can restart LS (or BBLean, or some other shell) with just a keypress if a shell crashes or I just feel like messing about with another one.

Posted by member 45783 on 2004-08-26 15:03:13 link

The best way is, as you already figured, to find out which modules actually clutter the screen in games and only hide those when entering gaming mode.

Usually all visible modules have specific bangs for hiding them, for example !SystrayHide, !VWMHide, etc. Go through your modules for all that you want to hide, search your docs for the appropriate bangs and !execute a series of bangs instead of the !HideModules or whatever you seem to be running now.

An even better option could be to just get rid of module transparencies and OnTop -statuses for the gaming session, because those are the real culprits. However this is more complex to achieve, and depending the modules not always possible.

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-08-26 16:06:19 link

either hotkey.dll or jkey.dll SHOULD be loaded. and if you used omar's installer, it should be jkey. double-check.

Posted by member 121601 on 2004-08-29 11:35:13 link

ok Ive taken onboard all of what has been stated so far. The installer I used was ez2install as it provides (imo) better functions for switching themes, contect menu default settings ect...
The hotkeys work with other themes with no problems and have tried to get a response from the theme author with no luck. I am running the following theme :


I cant find any other themes that I like that do not use the wharf bar and provide a true minimalist desktop.
The shortcut key module used is hotkey. As I said, it seems to only be an issue with this theme. I have tried ammending settings in the theme.rc and custom config files that come with the theme but with no luck. This is why I resorted to adding a gesture to hide all modules - the problem is, after hiding, all modules die and I cant get them back using a mouse gesture.

It would be really neat if I could use a mouse gesture to togglemodules. I went through but could not find all hide bangs for the modules so Im still left with the command box and the taskbar modules being displayed. I'll carry on playing with it and see how I get on :) , any further ideas would be greatly appreciated - also if anyone else has a similar problem with this theme, please post aswell :)

Thanks again for the reply's guys :)