Run box not working properly. Thread last updated on 2003-03-21 05:46:48

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-16 16:57:48

The run box comes up fine and everything but no matter what directory I type into the box it always comes up on the same directory. Why is this?

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-16 23:46:56 link

What run box are talking about ?
How do you type directories ?
Is "My documents" the "same directory" ? Try using ""

Posted by member 16573 on 2003-03-17 08:15:20 link

(all under win95)
if I type C:\windows\ into a run dialog I get my desktop dir with recyclebin and network and all (ie not C:\windows\desktop\)
if i type C:\Litestep\ I get my desktop aswell....

Is this the "same dir" you are talking about ?

I cant really see why you care though ? is it a bug in LS that never used o be there ?


Posted by member 6470 on 2003-03-17 11:28:24 link

it's universal... I think it's becuase without explorer as the shell, the run box doesn't know what to do with just a path entered in... if you type "explore c:\litestep" it should work

Posted by member 5120 on 2003-03-17 11:37:27 link

Use lsxcommands instead. Only a suggestion.

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-18 10:48:30 link

I hate LSXCommand.. I don't want it permantly there.. Not sure why, I just never got used to it sitting on my desktop all the time. It would help fill up my 800 pixels or so on my bar that I have no use for yet also but I don't know. I like my run box. I might have to make a custom run box with LSXCommand and some !hide and !show shit and throw it all in a script and make it nifty-like. Who knows?

Posted by member 6470 on 2003-03-18 11:01:51 link

you could even bind it to win-r and just have it replace the run box entirely...

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-18 11:16:49 link

That's what I was talking about..

Posted by member 5406 on 2003-03-18 12:11:41 link

*Hotkey Win R !PopupCommand
*LsBoxCreate $ConfigDir$

script file:
*Script bang !PopupCommand
*Script exec !LsBoxShow Command
*Script exec !FocusCommand
*Script exec !LsBoxMoveBox Command %{mousex} %{mousey}
*Script ~bang
LsBoxName Command
LsBoxX 0
LsBoxY 0
LsBoxBackGround lsx_frame.bmp
LsBoxBackgroundOffs 3 3 3 3
LSBoxDragRect 0 0 256 18
*ModuleHook !CommandBoxHook

should do the trick

Posted by member 35 on 2003-03-18 13:11:41 link

that maybe a problem of dde, are you running liteman.ddl? if not, you should, that will probably fix it.

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-18 13:37:14 link

No, but I am running liteman.dll.. ;-)

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-19 01:05:24 link

What does liteman.dll ?

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-03-19 01:40:07 link

it fixes some minor errors and stuff. it should be loaded in your personal.rc file.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-19 02:11:46 link

What kind of errors ?
I know, one day I take a look at the readme and I thought it was a module for developper. So, I left it...
Can it be usefull even if you're not coding ?

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-19 08:44:54 link

LiteStep without Liteman.dll is like playing Freecell without a mouse.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-19 12:42:20 link

I never play with freecell... but I'm playing with Litestep for about two years... and I never used Liteman.dll
What does it do ?

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-19 13:07:17 link

It gives DDE support for LS

Posted by member 5120 on 2003-03-19 13:20:30 link

The obvious question being: what is DDE?

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-19 13:28:10 link

Get the module and read the DOCS :)

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-19 13:32:30 link

From Loose Screws:

Author: Peter Edwards
Version: 4.31
Date added: 2002-07-18 00:00:00
Description: A little work around to the "Install Shield checking for explorer.exe in the [boot], shell= section"

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-19 13:34:13 link

Acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange, an interprocess communication (IPC) system built into the Macintosh, Windows, and OS/2 operating systems. DDE enables two running applications to share the same data. For example, DDE makes it possible to insert a spreadsheet chart into a document created with a word processor. Whenever the spreadsheet data changes, the chart in the document changes accordingly. Although the DDE mechanism is still used by many applications, it is being supplanted by OLE, which provides greater control over shared data.

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-19 13:36:12 link

You can learn more from here:

BTW: Sorry for the multiple posts :)

Posted by member 5154 on 2003-03-19 13:47:52 link

Wow, now that is education.

Posted by member 5120 on 2003-03-19 14:35:42 link

Thanks. Interesting stuff.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-20 12:13:31 link

Humm, I still don't understand why Litestep without LiteMAN is like the Freecell without a mouse...
I read the doc; don't really understand what it's talking about; load the module; check for new bangs (the doc doesn't mention anything about bangs - tanks to LsCP) try the !test and !test2...
not convinced...
Maybe I have missed something ?

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-20 14:31:10 link

You can try to format your computer, install windows, install LS, Run LS (without loading Liteman), install all your programs again. If you accomplish this task without error, all right, you're a lucky guy :) Otherwise you'll see what Liteman is about. :)

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-20 17:25:45 link

I should be a lucky one... but I work hard, sometimes, to avoid problems...
Don't you have some example of what LiteMAN can do ?
By saying "I don't know what LiteMAN could be important for", I never said it was useless. I just said "I DON'T KNOW AND THE DOC ISN'T VERY EXPLICIT".
Why such a mistery aura around LiteMAN ?

Posted by member 94 on 2003-03-20 21:03:48 link

Smurth - I'm just kidding :) You don't have to do nothing that I have said.
Sometimes when you're installing a program that runs through an Install Shield and you're running other shell (in this case LS), the Install Shield search for this line on your system.ini - shell=C:/Explorer.EXE, if it can't find this line (cause this line has been modified - in our case to run an alternative shell), this can cause an error and the program will not work(it happened to me once).
That's it. No aura here :) Just use it. If you don't know, the new version of LS will come with this funcionality merged in it's core. Believe me, this will cause you no harm :)

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-21 00:53:29 link

Al; thanks a lot for all the enlightenments... Now, I'll can sleep in peace :)

Posted by member 7 on 2003-03-21 01:57:13 link

Without LiteMAN, for example if you open the "fonts" folder in the control panel, there'll be an error message (sth. like "device not found") but the folder will open anyway. If you load LiteMAN the error message won't appear. That's just an example tho, LiteMAN does a few more things.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-03-21 05:46:48 link

Finally, there's someone who talking in practical terms...