Just a quick little bit of help Thread last updated on 2004-08-24 01:50:30

Posted by member 132945 on 2004-08-23 20:50:46

Im pretty new to the coding world but like litestep and am currently using the theme UniverseMetaLS v1.2
and would like to change some of the popups but its all a bit of jibarish to me
I have found where i need to change them...

all i want is to like create a folder full of short cuts and tell the pop menu thing to read the short cuts but not sure how to do it

this is where i think im ment to change them
*bPopup "Apps" !new !PopApps "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$applications|$Programs$applications"
*bPopup "Internet" !new !PopInternet "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$internet|$Programs$internet"
*bPopup "Graphics" !new !PopGraphics "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$graphics|$Programs$graphics"
*bPopup "Tools" !new !PopTools "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$utilities|$Programs$utilities"
*bPopup "Media" !new !PopMedia "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$media|$Programs$media"
*bPopup "Games" !new !PopGames "!PopupFolder:$CommonPrograms$games|$Programs$games"
*bPopup "Favorites" !new !PopFavorites "!PopupFolder:$Favorites$"

so say for the apps popup i create a folder in D: drive called apps with all my short cuts, so what do i need to put in the apps string of code

once i see how one is done the rest will be easy to work out

Greatly appriciated if someone could help me :)

Posted by member 7991 on 2004-08-23 21:38:59 link

*bPopup "Apps" !new !PopApps "!PopupFolder:D:\FOLDERWITHSHORTCUTS"

Although, usually any reference to a end-user folder is done by using evars (aka: environment variables). These are the things with the $ on either end (ie: $CommonPrograms$). This is done simply to ease in the portability of a theme (from your computer to others', should you decide to release publicly). To find out more, press CTRL-SHIFT-F1.

Posted by member 132945 on 2004-08-24 01:50:30 link

thanks that worked :)