KDE 3.1 how to change the personal folder Thread last updated on 2004-08-23 14:27:40

Posted by member 194687 on 2004-08-23 00:49:20

Quick question, I'm using Norman Bates KDE 3.1 theme (English) http://www.normanbates.net/ and I want to change the Personal Folder Button (the Blue House Icon), to open up to My Computer instead of My Documents. How do I do this? Thanks!

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-08-23 01:33:36 link

In the theme.rc:
*Shortcut "Personal Folder" 128 -44 home.bmp home2.bmp home3.bmp #100 !Execute ["$Filemanager$"]
Change to:
*Shortcut "Personal Folder" 128 -44 home.bmp home2.bmp home3.bmp #100 !Execute ["$Drives$"]

Posted by member 194687 on 2004-08-23 01:38:47 link

Cerbie, THANKS SO MUCH! How do you know this stuff? (is there a link you can point me to?) I'm trying to configure this to my liking. I'm trying to figure out how to clear the taskmanager when i switch desktops (if this is even possible) and to be able to use my keyboards hot keys (like when i press the back button it will go back in explorer) Thanks for your help though, that was awesome!

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-08-23 10:24:41 link

Look in the documentation for the module called shortcut. This documentation mention that the last part of the line (in this case, [$Filemanager$]) is what the shortcut will execute. Now, in LS, strings between $'s are called evars (environment variables) Remember when you installed litestep, it asked you for patchs to your file manager, audio player, text editor, etc. You were deifining evars that can be found in your litestep\profiles\username\personal\evars.rc file. RC files, btw, are just plain text, and can be opened with any text editor (notepad will do fine)

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-08-23 12:05:09 link

How do I know this stuff? I've been using Litestep since before this OTS crap. Why, in my day, every theme was its own distrobution! You youngins complain about not being able to download a module. Why, back in the day, LS wouldn't start half the time when you got a new theme! And everything was in one big step.rc file that was 100 pages long!

go to the LS docs. Hopelessly outdated, but they should help a good bit for starting to figure these things out (though funkyd00d got the evar bit down pretty good).

Posted by member 194687 on 2004-08-23 14:27:40 link

Thanks guys! I appreciate the help, I'll definitely check out that website and see what's up =)