What are your favorite modules? Thread last updated on 2004-08-02 16:24:36

Posted by member 11955 on 2004-08-01 06:39:40

For any of the followings

1. Desktop
2. Winamp Controls
3. Taskbar
4. System tray
5. Clock
6. Popup

why you prefer your fav ones, do they have any advantage over others? (juz for newbie who don't know much modules but from tutorial..) (- -');

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-08-01 07:39:19 link

1. jdesk
2. Dynamp, cause it supports both foobar and winamp.
3. using taskbar3 right now n mytheme, but I haven't tried xtaskbar yet, which seems to have a lot of features.
4. VTray
5. I just use a digital clock made with either xlabel or lsxcommand, depending on my needs.
6. Popup2

Of course these are mostly personal opinion...

Posted by member 103440 on 2004-08-01 14:21:25 link

1. jDesk + (IconDesk or xDesktop)
2. Dynamp
3. Taskbar3 (thinking to move to xTaskbar)
4. vTray
5. xLabel
6. Popup2 (In a near future -> xPopup ;) )

Posted by member 12025 on 2004-08-01 17:44:16 link

1 LSXCommand
2. XLabel(light)
3. RabidVWM
4. Dynamp
...the rest I don't really like but some are necssary. Of those, jDesk, mzScript, Popup2 and VTray. But soon that will be xPopup.

Posted by member 173706 on 2004-08-02 00:48:13 link


Posted by member 562 on 2004-08-02 03:28:00 link

lsbox is cool

Posted by member 12798 on 2004-08-02 09:39:29 link

apart from the fact that i don't have any favourite modules, as they all make me stay in front of the computer screen much too long without ever resulting in a really handy theme that actually does everything it ought to, xlabel. =)

Posted by member 363 on 2004-08-02 16:24:36 link

1. jDesk
2. none... use winamp and a keyshort show/hide integral to 5
3. again, none... use !PopupTasks or alt-tab
4. Vtray
5. Will use xLabel when I get around to that part
6. xPopup 0.6 at the mo... column mode rocks me socks