I can't get any popup with my theme. Its an old OTS1 compliant theme, I added the "Include "$LitestepDir$personal\personal.rc"" at the top of the step.rc but it's made no difference. I'd appreciate any help.. Thanks
What theme are you using? Where did you get it?
I'm using a theme called KGnome 3, its a very old one, can't remember where I got it. I've had it probably 2 years now, and it came with a litestep.exe to run, however using that there are several problems that have been fixed with newer builds. I can't remember where I got it from I think "http://octane.theidiots.org/kgnome/download.html" 3.15 is the nearest to what I have.
I've used Kgnome, and the popup has worked for me. There is an OTS2 version hosted here (on litestep.net) that you should look for- it works like a charm.
http://www.litestep.net/index.php?section=2&action=details&id=515 and
http://www.litestep.net/index.php?section=2&action=details&id=514 seem to be two possibilites...
ah, I thought I'd seached for KGnome on here a while back, obviously not or I missed it. I'll try them thanks v.much :D