PleaseHelp! -> Suddenly litestep refuses to start Thread last updated on 2004-07-31 11:14:34

Posted by member 16103 on 2004-07-30 12:09:28

I am using Litestep 0.24.7 RC 1 and the theme Simplicity. Everything worked fine for the last 3 Months but suddenly i get the following message, wenn I try to recycle Litestep or reboot the pc.

"Error: Exception during module initialisation.

Please contact the module writer"

OK, I thaught my hd might be **** up and downloaded the fresh dll. But: both dlls, mine and the downloaded had the same md5 sum -> are the same!

C:\>md5 C:\LiteStep\modules\

C:\>md5 C:\LiteStep\modules\ckvwm.dll

Does anyone has an idea how to fix this?


Posted by member 48370 on 2004-07-30 14:04:43 link

does the theme run normal when u dont load try to load this dll?

Posted by member 16103 on 2004-07-30 17:34:19 link

no, the taskbar isn't being loaded and litestep automatically reverts to its default theme.

@muhkuh: ka was das is, das war auf einmal so. Die dll, is genau die gleiche wie die ausm Netz deshalb versteh ich die Fehlermeldung ned. Wenn du magst kannst du mich auch mal im icq adden: 77745451

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-07-30 18:01:46 link

litestep should never AUTOMATICALLY revery...if you hit yet to revert, then yes it should but it should never do it on it's, I could see the vwm not loading cause of the error, but I don't know why the entire bar wouldn't load... have you tried a different theme, see if the same thing happens?

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-07-30 18:42:11 link

Same thing happened to me. I was like wtf, cause that theme has always worked, and I hadn't changed anything. So I rebooted. And it worked.

Posted by member 16103 on 2004-07-31 11:13:29 link

Hm i rebooted but it hasn't changed. The problem still exists.
Did you make any further modifications to make it working?

Posted by member 16103 on 2004-07-31 11:14:34 link

@deuce: no idea what's happening. The Popups have the Caption of the Litestep build plus the version number. o_O