ckhotspot 2.3.3 - HotspotAdjust mis-caclulation? Thread last updated on 2004-07-17 01:55:22

Posted by member 2112 on 2004-07-17 01:03:11

Was the calculation for !HotspotAdjust intentionally changed between version 2.3 and 2.3.3? Originally the first two values for the bang moved the hotspot whilst the second two changed its size. Now all four values effect its size.

For example:
If you define a 200 wide by 10 high hotspot like so
!HotspotAdd 200 200 200 200 !none !none test

and then run the folling bang
!HotspotAdjust test -100 -100 50 50

I would expect the the hotspot to be 250 x 250 based on how HotspotAdjust is explained in the doc, instead it's 350 x 350.

We started with (200, 200), (400, 400) and ended with (100, 100), (450, 450).

This isn't a bad thing. I actually prefer it this way, but when I upgraded to 2.3.3 it had me stumped for quite some time as to why the result of my hotspot calculation had changed.

Posted by member 99 on 2004-07-17 01:55:22 link

oops. Yes, quite a lot of things changed a little in there. Apparently I missed copying over the subtractions.