Posted by member 31609 on 2004-07-13 16:10:32
Maybe some guru out there can help with this... Using the icondesk module, I want make the desktop icons go half-way horizontally across the screen and then wrap to a new line.
I was using this to do that before:
But it wasn't producing the right number of icons. This is what I came up with to fix that, but I'm hoping there's a better way to do this.
The main problem is there's a status bar on the opposite side of the screen that will over lap if there are to many icons. If you can suggest better solution (even using a different module) I be happy to hear it, thanks.
I was using this to do that before:
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount $ResolutionX/2/20
(20 is the area used by the icon)
(20 is the area used by the icon)
But it wasn't producing the right number of icons. This is what I came up with to fix that, but I'm hoping there's a better way to do this.
; This determines how many icons will be displayed on
; the desktop before starting a new row of icons.
If ResolutionX = 640
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 12
ElseIf ResolutionX = 800
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 18
ElseIf ResolutionX = 1024
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 27 ;No problems above this res ^_^
;Fixes the icon count for all the other resolutions
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount $ResolutionX/2/18$
; the desktop before starting a new row of icons.
If ResolutionX = 640
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 12
ElseIf ResolutionX = 800
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 18
ElseIf ResolutionX = 1024
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount 27 ;No problems above this res ^_^
;Fixes the icon count for all the other resolutions
IconDeskMainIconsWrapCount $ResolutionX/2/18$
The main problem is there's a status bar on the opposite side of the screen that will over lap if there are to many icons. If you can suggest better solution (even using a different module) I be happy to hear it, thanks.