I'm wondering if anyone could explain how I might create a desktop icon that I can drag files to and have them sent to a defined ftp site. I've found the "lsftp" module on shellfront, but I'm not sure how to accomplish the icon drop function.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Humm, I never use lsftp, but you should use a label for the drop triger.
It's quite simple
FTPSendLabelOnDrop !LSFtpSend
You have to use mzscript and put into your script file
*Script Bang !LSFtpSend
*Script Exec !FTPSend "%{args}" "%{RemoteFile}"
*Script ~Bang
I guess you had read the lsftp docs and you know how to connect, etc...
I'm using labelxs, or label 1.99, or whatever it is... it says:
Sets an action to perform when a file or a folder is dropped on the label.
The full path to the file/folder is passed to the action as an argument."
So I tried doing it this way, which works for other bangs/programs:
FTPdropOnDrop !execute [!FTPConnect ] [!FTPSend "%{args}" "%{RemoteFile}"] [!FTPDisConnect]
Unfortunately this isn't doing the trick...
%{args} and %{remoteFile} are mzScript variables so they will not work in a !Execute line.
Humm, I guess you don't really imagine how labelondrop works. Then, to help you figure out; try this:
LabelOnDrop !Alert
That's all. Then drop something and watch the result.
- If LSFtp.dll works, things I put above should work.
- I guess you need to specify address/pasword to FTPConnect
- I don't recommend to !FTPConnect in a single line, since it could take some time before the connection is on.
I'll try some of this... I had my account info in there, I just took it out for obvious reasons. :)
hmmm LSFTP doesnt really work for me.
i tried it and my script.rc code is:
*Script bang !botstats
*Script exec !FTPConnect name password www3.telus.net
*Script exec !FTPSend c:\botstats.html botstats.html
*Script ~bang