I'm have trouble usin litestep...i need help Thread last updated on 2004-06-28 22:42:03

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-27 15:40:54

ok now i install litestep and when i restart my computer this pop up comes up sayin that i already have a shell runnin and some of the advanced features of litestep will be disabled, and it asks me if i want to continue or not...can somebody please help me

Posted by member 1 on 2004-06-27 16:41:19 link

Sounds like you are trying to run LiteStep on top of explorer or some other applications that is a shell.

Posted by member 117872 on 2004-06-27 18:51:21 link

Can you give us some more details? Then, perhaps, we could suggest a specific solution...

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-27 19:17:45 link

somebody told me that i needed to kill explorer and they said that litestep came wit a script to disable explorer or enable it, do i have to do something when i install litestep

Posted by member 1 on 2004-06-27 21:02:03 link

when you install via the installer it sets LS as the shell on reboot and you get the option to go back and forth. It sounds more like you just grabbed the raw build and not the whole installer.

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-27 21:44:27 link

no i download the installer

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-27 21:45:20 link

but this message keep comin up say that i already have a shell runnin, i uninstall windows blinds to see if that was the problem but it wasn't

Posted by member 35 on 2004-06-27 23:29:16 link

have you used objectbar or desktopx before? if so run msconfig and disable trayserver.exe

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-06-28 07:41:28 link

open the task amnager and see if explorer is running. If it is,
LS didn't install properly for some reason. If it isn't, LS is acting weird o.0

Anyways, what I would try is setting your shell back to explorer using the 'Setshell' utility found in your Litestep\utilities dir, reboot, then you should have the normal explorer shell. The use setshell to set LS as shell again, and reboot. Dunno if it'll work, but it's worth trying I guess.

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-28 12:08:54 link

yeah i used object bar, but i don't see trayserver.exe amd i suppose to look for it in the startup section?

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-06-28 13:11:06 link

nope, run services.msc

find trayserver, right click it, properties, set startup type to 'disabled'

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-28 14:18:04 link

when i try and run services.msc, it doesn't work

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-06-28 17:52:37 link

that's because funky was incorrect (sorry d00d). check out the following two registry locations and look for a trayserver.exe entry:
I can't remember which key it's under, so check both. but if it's running, then it should be there. but it doesn't sound like that's the issue, trayserver.exe usually only interferes with the systray.
try going into the $litestepdir$\utilites folder, running setshell.exe, and selecting litestep.exe, see if that takes care of the issue.

Posted by member 103254 on 2004-06-28 19:14:44 link

oops, I assumed it was a service, sorry. And call me Funky, I jsut added d00d cause funky was already taken :P

Posted by member 176207 on 2004-06-28 22:42:03 link

i give up........lol...litestep isn't for me...thanx ne way guys