LSSlider problem (NOT winamp) Thread last updated on 2004-06-26 11:10:02

Posted by member 95693 on 2004-06-26 11:04:16

I have read through the threads and I can't seem to find any information for this problem unless I am completely missing it. I am running LSSlider 1.71 and in my hotkey file I have:

*Hotkey .none VOL_DOWN !sliderVolumeDown 0
*Hotkey .none VOL_UP !sliderVolumeUp 0

in my vk104 file I have:


Now the vol_down works fine but for some reason the vol_up isn't registered... If I put vol_down in there instead it works, of course disabling the other use of vol_down... is there a problem with LSSlider seeing the AF key code? I have checked with scankey and that is the correct code... Any help would be appreciated

Posted by member 95693 on 2004-06-26 11:10:02 link

Actually I just noticed something else while adding some other things to my hotkey file... it seems that vol_down is the only shortcut key that works... I tried adding mute to my hotkey file and it doesn't work... I even tried having it as the only shortcut key called from the vk104 file and still nothing... only vol_down doesn't give me any problems...