N00B question Thread last updated on 2004-06-15 18:32:35

Posted by member 172373 on 2004-06-15 04:22:17

just wandering if any1 can help me out, im a pretty new user of litestep and i think its pretty k00l, i just got one problem tho: Every time i download and install a new theme, it never seems to look anything like the screenshot on the site i got it from. i have downloaded and installed 7-8 themes and none of them look anything like the screenshots. heres what i do:-

1. download the .zip file
2. extract the .zip file to a folder under litestep\themes\
3. right click on my desktop-->litestep-->change themes--> change themes
4. right click on my desktop-->litestep-->change themes--> select my new installed theme.

then the theme changes and i get a message asking me do i want to revert back to my default theme? and i click no (if i click yes it changes back to the original theme i got with litestep).

another thing that i have noticed is that on some themes that i install i get all sorts of error messages whilst installing them..?

any suggestions

Regards - Pendaz

Posted by member 1316 on 2004-06-15 18:32:35 link

first, do you have multiple monitors? a lot of themes aren't built with support for multiple monitors in mind, and they will look different.

second, if you get errors during installation, that could ALSO affect the look. but without knowing what the errors are it's hard to advise you. are you connected to the internet when you install the new themes? because normally, you'll need to be so the theme can download the required modules.