A couple of noob questions Thread last updated on 2004-06-14 07:16:50

Posted by member 169342 on 2004-06-14 04:37:27

I recently started using Litestep as my shell. It's simply awesome compared to explorer. There are however still a couple of things bugging me.

I want a module which would give me the same kind of functionality than the standard explorer desktop, ie. to act like a normal folder. I'm connected to a huge network at my res at University, so I always use a program such as totalcopy (it supports resuming, pausing, etc.) to copy big files from the network, by right-dragging to the desktop and choosing totalcopy. This does not work with the litestep desktop, so I have to copy directly to a folder instead.

There seems to be a bug in the standard taskbar module (the one with the austerity theme). The icons sometime starts changing rapidly back and forth between a folder icon, and the one it is supposed to be. This is very annoying.


Posted by member 7223 on 2004-06-14 07:16:50 link

You can have a desktop at 99% like explorer's one using xLabel and jDesk (read those docs) but I guess you won't be able to use the right click when draging.